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"Nono! I'm not one with the witches or Dark Enchantress Cookie i actually from like how do i say this...From a diffrent world?" Y/N pleeds
"If you say that...Where is the proof how did you come here?" Dark cacao cookie sais while drawing his sword
"I- i came through a portal/device i was sucked in and i ended up here"
"We did clear this land let's go back and well We'll need Almond Cookie" Hollyberry sugested

They all went back to the balloon dock
*few hours later*
"MY HANDCUFFS ARE INESCAPABLE PAL, you better tell me everything you know, the more you lie the more it gets tighter so save your self and tell the truth"
Almond cookie had Y/N held in his chains and was doing a question and answer thing
A-"Are you working for Dark Enchantress cookie?"

Y/N-"No i am not"

A-"Are you the witch?"

Y/N-"I may be a baker but i am not tye witch"

A-"Then who exactly are you?"

Y/N-"I'm Y/N, a living human being made of flesh"

A-"Eewh I don't understand how you are in a cookie form fleshes just fall to the ground"

Y/N-"I have a bone that supports it and blood so i can stay alive and my 70% is water"

A-"Blood? You must be talking about jams bone? That must be the Baking powder water? How are they not soaking? How is there no water dripping from their holes? (Nose mouth ears)"

Almond was talking to his self Rye cookie came through a door and said
Rye-"Stand a'side romeo, i'll take care of this"

As soon as Rye said that Almond left the room and was talking to the other cookies on the other side of the one way glass

Rye-"Allrig' kid we know ya ain't one with Dark Enchantress but do me a favor and tell do ya know know us more than we know our own selves? You ain't the witch ya didn't bake us then how?"

Y/N-"I just guessed that could be that and this could be this depending on your toppings and such"

As Y/N answered the chains glowed and got tighter

Rye-"That's a lie."

Y/N-"I found a book that had information about every cookies"

Rye-"Another lie...You could make this easier for your self and just spit out the truth ya know'"

Y/N-"I just know it I don't know how but i just know it!"

Rye-"Tsk.Spill it before ya turn into an apple mush"

Y/N-"OKAY! I'll tell you! Back in my reality you guys were a game on an application! But one night i sucked into my phone and i was exploring then i thought if i can go into anything i liked i could go into the game! And that's how i ended up here!"

As the chains loosened a little

Rye-"Application' game'? If you're telling is knwo who the baker is?"

Y/N-"N-no not really!"

The chains became tight again

Y/N-"ALLRIGHT! I know the baker PB was me but back then I couldn't be here so there was this waffle bot that was there exept me! Please the chains are killing me!"

Almond cookie burst through the door and the chains loosened once again and disapeared to thin air
Rye-"I told ya'll i can let her speak"

"Baker? So the one that you'll told me about? That's her!?" Strawberry crepe asked
"How facinating your dough well 'skin' is waterproof and also has 46% of protection along with 32% regeneration, woah"
"Hhe Yeah... ow my back is sore"
Y/N streched back and cracked their back a bit
"Y/-i mean BAKER! Are you okay!? You're not hurt right? We heard a crack i could make a healing cocktail for yo-" sparkling was cut off by Y/N
"No no, it's just i was sore i'm fine"

Now hiw i wonder the story will go Rye gotthe truth out of ya and one mkre week until i can get a break from school for a week

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