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Dark Enchantress Cookie's pov•
"Now I finally have the baker in my hands
*evil laugh*
now i can find a way to get to the other reality and get my revenge on the witches!"
As i laughted to my self infront of me was the baker tied down to the floor with licorice ropes "Pomegranate Cookie i must ask did you take care if the others?"
"Yes master...I have erased every memory of them and their baker"
"Very good now All i need is just a small bit of her Jam or so called blood and combine it to the potion And do you know what will happen?"
"Master my guess is that you can be able to go to the other world"
"Yes but no...As i add their blood it will give me the power to look more like them so no one would know much more easier to get past others of their kinds and now that those so called heroes"

*after a while*

"Yes! Yes! YES! Now i will be unstoppable! Licorice! Open the portal We have to go now!"
As Dark Enchantress Yelled Livorice opened the portal and they all went in including Affogato and Red Velvet The baker aka you saw everything happen and couldn't do anything the ropes were tied tight and also black livorice! You were struggling and struggling then you heard a bang it reapeted for a while until something burst opened someone was runing

Y/N's pov•
I heard someone runing and i saw Strawberry Crepe they ran to me and freed me from the licorice ropes
"Even for a baker you're weak!"
"Wait you remember me? Pomegranate said she had erased your memories"
"I specify myself as a bot not a cookie, Cookies are weak and dumb c'mon let's go!"
"I can't go just yet Dark Enchantress and the rest of cookies of darkness went through that portal they are in my universe! They are going to take over the world! Well I don't really know how they would take over North korea and russia and probably gonna be a world war3"
"I'll go get the others wait here and just so you know Rest of us dousn't remember you so act like you don't know them either"
I nodded and they left i looked around on what could help me then i saw it White Lily's soul stone
"Why would this be here? I know in the plot that white lily is Dark Enchantress but how?"
I picked it up and i felt a new source of energy radiating from it
"If this soul stone breaks will Dark Enchantress be gone? Or the power inside would go out?"
As i stood there examining it somebody took it out of my hands
"Careful with that! Where did you get this? Something this import shouldn't be in the hands of someone who is incapable of anything"
It was Pure Vanilla he looked at me with this look as if i did something to White Lily
"I found it"
The look he gave me..he didn't trust me
"Strawberry Crepe! You said there is an emergency what is it?"
He turned around and faced strawberry crepe
"That stupit Dark Enchantress went through that portal to a diffrent universe and is trying to take over it she said something about korea? And Rusia and world war3"
They looked at me and then the portal they started to go in one by one at the very last i went through

I was back tall again and i saw the cookies they are so small and tiny i was going to pick them up but a voice spoke from the Dark corner of my room
"She was right you and the other did pass theough...no matter i'll END YOU!" Dark Choco said runing towards you with the sword in hand he was much taller than you
"AH!" I screamed and grabbed the nearest item and tried to defend myself with it in the end they just kicked him where it hurt and tried to tie him up and they succeeded and they turned on the TV the TV had a news cast

Reporter: *gets taken down by one of his minions*

The news reporter: Juliana! The UN is trying their best to prepare the countries, some countries as North korea and Russia along with america are trying yo fight back but a FUCKIN' DRAGON CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND IT IS THE SIZE OF THE EIFFLE TOWER!"

You sighed and looked at the tiny cookies they looked horrified
"Okay we need to find a way to turn you all into humanoid and you guys go after dark Enchantress while i try to get some help from the other countries Wizard cookie was jumping you leaned down and saw he had a pot of something which seems to be potion you had a cut on your arm when Dark Enchantress took some of your blood you added a drop of it to the potion and saw it change colours the cookies had diffrent reactions to it but drank it up then they started to glow up snd grow up they were very tall well exept for the kids they ran out of the house after dark Enchantress i looked at Dark Choco "Stay put" and i saw about the walk out but then i saw Strawberry crepe tug on my sleeve i looked down and smiled
"We can do this allright? We are much powerfull when we are together i'll get some 2 more help" i kissed their forehead "be safe" they ran out and i pulled out my phone and rolled 10times on the banners nothing, bought the packages and rolled and rolled after a while you got Clotted cream cookie and Wildberry Cookie you picked them up virtually well left them near the portal you ran back to the portal and carried them back set them near the pot of potion and they drank it now they are big, you explained the situation and they nodded and ran out you also ran to find the headquarters of the United Nation in hopes the world leaders would listen to you and probably help you

Finals month sorry for making you all wait

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