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"Baker! Can you help us make a stuffed dragon?"

"Baker! Can you help us take down cookies of darkness?"

"Baker! What's our attack formation?"


It was getting tiring i just want some little bit of peace but everytime i try to it's allways

"Baker! That! Backer this!"

  I was walking down from the castle when i saw the kids crowded

"hi kids! Why are you all crowded here?"

CherryBomb cookie cherps in and sais "I made a new friend! Meet CerryBlossom cookie!"

"Why hello there! Welcome to K/N (kingdom name) hope you have a pleasant stay here!"

I said but then knight cookie came runing in and said

"Baker! We have a problem! One of Dark Enchantress's shape shifting creatures have gotten in there are complaints of cookies have been seeing them selves when they are taking a walk! What should we do!?"

"This is bad...Okay if they see it again stall them until i get there tell the others aswell!"

"Right away!"

I sprinted off towards where i think it could be"


It's almost sunset and so far so sign of shape shifting creature.... As i thought i saw a black figure in the corner of my eye and when i turned to look nothing but a mail post

"It's getting dark i should head back to the castle by now..."

i walked towards the castle
'strange there is no cookie walking around here...mostly this will be crowded with cookies...but it's nice to have some piece'
i continued to walk until i heard running footsteps i looked back to see a cookie but can't really tell who they came and knocked me out before i had passed out i saw them change into Pomegranate Cookie


Pomegranate Cookie's pov•
"My my baker...how pathetic to lose to a cookie...Dark Enchantress cookie will be pleased to know your universe....a whole other world to take over..."

I ordered Livorice cookie to go and take them to Master while i deal with theese cookies and their memories of their poor baker

Okay i am sorry for not posting more frequently this school is a headache and i got sick too sorry please forgive me

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