Cake witch you batard

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As Goldencheese cookie pulls Y/N into the castle
"Don't put your trust in him he can be sly, And no need to thank me hehe"
she sais and puts you down Hollyberry comes along and sais
"Me and my fellow friends are going to cover L/N (Land name) also known as land 14 and we want you to come with us!"
Y/N was quite confused
"why? There are other cookies"
from behind them a nother voice speaks up
"Because we'll get to know you better and know if you have an symbol, such as if you are a charge or deffence ect" As They look back to see Pure Vanilla and Dark cacao standing at the door frame
"I feel surrounded"
"It's because you are"
"No2 like mentally i feel a bit trapped and anxious"
they gave Y/N some space and walks away
Goldencheese screamed from down the hall and they went to their separate rooms/dorms

*The next day*

Y/N's pov•
I was brutally woken up by Goldencheese cookie "i told you get ready we'll be leaving in 5minutes me and the others will be waiting for you at the dock" Then she flew out the window wait-5MINUTES!? I quickly got out if bed and changed my clothes and got the backpack i had prepared last night and ran out through the castle doors and made it in time
"I-i should've gotten m-my alarm...." as i catched my breath there was only me and Goldencheese
"Where are the others?"
"Oh yeah they're sleeping"
I grouned
"Because it's fun and you got everything you'll need such ad tents, Food, spair clothes and uuhhh sewing kit?"
"Why would i need a sewing kit"
"Incase you rip your clothes duh"
"Wow your sassyier in person"
"What was that?"

Third person pov•
They continued talking and after a while the others came and you all set off to L/N after many hours they landed and explored until there was a creature blocking their way it was quite tough but you all made it though, creature after creature fighting and fighting until sunset
"We should build our tents and rest a bit" pure vanilla suggested they all agreed set camp for the night "wait Goldencheese where is your tent? Hollyberry where is yours aswell?"
"We left them" Dark cacao face palmed and looked at Pure vanilla
"At least you brought your-Vanilla..."
"... one of the creatures took it"
Dark cacao cookie had a dissatisfied face at least Y/N hadn't lost theirs, they made some plans on what to do and who to share with, in the end it ended up as Hollyberry and Dark cacao and the other two stay with Y/N why?, well you see if Hollyberry and Goldencheese were in one tent they would talk all night and won't let anyone sleep and if Pure vanilla and Hollyberry were there they would most likely try and know which one does most of the team work and since Goldencheese and Pure vanilla doesn't really talk that much with eachother it would be a great opportunity to know eachother and also a great opportunity for the others to sleep in peace

Meanwhile in the dark castle••••••••••••
"Pomegranate cookie i want you and the others including Strawberry crepe to hold them back i need more time to fix up this big guy (the cake creature that holds the 'cake wich')"

Pomegrante and The others walked out of the meeting room
"Foolish cookies can't even tell their beloved baker...But don't worry it won't be long until you find out"

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