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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••As Y/N was thinking of where to go Gingerbrave had allready stood beneath them
"Hey! Friend what brings you here to K/N?"
Y/N nervously replies with-
"O-oh i was just..taking a stroll with
C/N and i heard noises...So i got curios" Gingerbrave smiles an sais
"Well then come down here let's talk, plus i want you to meet my friends! Red Velvet has a hound just like yours, I bet you and him will be best friends!"
"Allright, But just so you know i am not a cookie" they anounces and jumps down
"Woah! You were right your not a cookie! that's so cool! Red Velvet come here!" He shouts soon another cookie showed up
"Gah! You're not a cookie! Who are you! And where are you from! That's a demand!"
"Velvet! They are a friend don't worry and plus that hound that ran to you earlier is theyrs"
"I suppose you are no threat but i have my eyes on you"
"Hhe he's not that bad when you get to know him! C'mon let me show you around the kingdom! And you gotta meet Custard, Chili, Wizard, and strawberry!"
"It's okay! I allready know where things are"
"Of course you must've been looking around from there but it dousn't hurt take a closer look! C'mon" as Gingerbrave dragged Y/N around the kingdom introducing them to other cookies and also explaining about other resource materials and at the end of the day it was beginning to get dark
"Well all is left is the castle in there is where our fellow kings and queens live since theyr kingdom is destroyed or abandoned, but don't worry our Baker had helped us fix Pure Vanilla kingdom now There are black raisin citizens there!"
"How interesting! But...Who is this 'Baker'?"
"Oh right you're not around here we-l-....wait where are you from? You're not a cookie or made out of jellies yet you smell like cakes and sweets"
As Gingerbrave rapidly asked questions from afar Y/N saw something more like someone
"Hey! Are you listening? I need answers please! Or else Almond cookie will have to confront you and his handcuffs are very...uncomfortable"
"Oh right, well i came from...somewhere, oh jeez how should i explain this?? Okay so i am from a diffrent universe and i got sucked into my phone- oh yeah you don't know what a phone is-"
"I actually do Almond cookie makes calls around all the time but if you got sucked in how did you fit thru the tiny holes? And the wire? WAIT! ARE YOU LIKE TWIZZLY GUMMY COOKIE!? That's so cool!"
", but it is a diffrent kind and i am a Human like i am made out of flesh but here like stamina jellies"
"Oooh i understand and asked about the baker right? Well they are allways here helping us telling us what to do they're attacking method is well thought out that's how we passed quite hard enemies and Dark Enchantress cookie, but since yesterday the baker disapeared they used to stay with the ancients in the castle"
"Well i hope your Baker is allright, may i ask what they look like i could help"
"You see...the baker is grey and with a PB on theyr head and hha they sound just like you funny right? It's getting dark and since we don't have a spare cookie mansion yet so i'll ask others if you could stay with them for the night wait here- what is your name again friend?"
"Well then Y/N wait here"
As Gingerbrave runs away towards others Y/N looks around
Y/N's pov•
I looked around for a bench since i had been dragged around all day "C/N are you tired?" "Auf!" "Me too" i sat on the ground "Sitting is so nicee" C/N jumped into my arms i looked up and saw the stars
"I never seen Stars in the game yet now i am here looking at it, well star jellies are also stars but the ones in the sky looks so pretty"
i layd down still looking at the stars
"C/N could you imagine being here could be this fun? It's better than my reality! All i do there is bake, clean, sleep and I have a bakery too but here it's more fun i feel like a little toddler, i know you don't understand me" i heard footsteps multiple footsteps i got up and saw-
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• what did you see? Who knows a bat? A cookie? A horse?

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