Who? What?

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Dark Enchantress had teleported away you were confused on where you were and couldn't remember anything
Who are you? Or even what are you?
You looked around and saw bunch of people (ahem cookies) in jars and cages of course you were concerned and thought they needed help so you walked around a bit trying to find the keys for the cages and jars but nothing, no signs if keys you walked over to the cage and was immedtiatly grabbed by the shoulder
"Kid! Hey! Are you okay!?"
"W-who are you!? Please let me go!" You yelped trying to get away from him
"No no! You can trust me! You can trust us! We are the good ones remember! And them *points at the ancients* they are heroes! They saved earthbread!"
You looked at him in a questioning way
"How should i know you're telling the truth? How do you know me? Where am i? What happened?"
Then a person who had quite fancy clothes walked up front and said
"I'm Clotted Cream, And i asure you we are telling the truth plus you were the one who gathered us to help defeat Dark Enchantress, Oh how sad that you had allready forgotten about us, it seemingly isn't your fault....they were forced out of you...But if you help us get out we can get your memories and well you know save this place it should've been easy to get out but theese Red Velvet bars are just not doing it on top of that it's secured melted chocolate"
You looked at him and nodded looking around trying to find a way to get them out then you saw it there was a pile and in the pile was a lot of things from candy canes to scepter and to swords..
You picked up a whip with spikes at the end (Mala Sauce Cookie's weapon) and you didn't find use for it so when you set it down and the spikes hit the floor the ground broke and lava erupted from the cracks
"Nevermind the perfect thing i need"
You picked it up and stood infront of one of the cage and said
"STAND BACK!" And you threw it it hit the bars and fell to the ground and soon lava erupted melting the bars away The ones who were freed from the cage went to the pile of weapons and grabbed their own
"Oh my sweet baby!" You heard one of them exclaimed a girl who lookes to be a viking walked up to and said
"Mala Sauce!, and that is my weapon, Let's Free'em and go kick that witch's butt!"
You happily gave her, her weapon and as they were freeing the others you felt a bit left out as if there wasn't any use for you since they are helping each other and you have no memory of what so ever and where you are and still confused about who you were then the ground shook you looked at a window and saw an explosion the smike looked awfully familiar But you couldn't tell what
"POISONOUS MUSHROOM! Come on! We have no time to loose! Baker stay here you can't leave for now!"
They ran out leaving you alone in the place you don't remember
You walked around a bit more and you saw some pictures on the wall you walked up to it and saw it was a Tapestry and it had a bottom text
"...And so on The Baker would help spread joy and happiness to those cookies, but Dark Enchantress cookie didn't like it one bit she rebeled and started an army of dragons and monsters some cookies even formed an alliance with her, The baker was furios they had no choice to help her cookies to fight against her but th training took time during that time Dark Enchantress grew stronger and stronger but...As time catches on Dark Enchantress was defeated and the Pure Vanilla castle was free from Her timeless curse..."
"Woah... So the baker is the creator... then where are they? They can be a big help! But why was that guy saying...

Baker stay here you can't leave for now!

Am i the baker? What happened?"

Just then a cake monster barges in through a wall and grabs you, now you were face to face with Dark Enchantress she laughes and sais
"Look at you! Vulnerable during a war with no family or  memories"
You felt bad but Dark Enchantress used a staff to teleport to Europe
"America, Australia Africa Asia are mine now Europe the only continent left to take over! Oh look Germany just joined into my rule"
You looked around there was a big cake monster holding you and Dark Enchantress up
"Who are you?"
"Well 'baker' i am Dark Enchantress, and i suppose you are no longer A baker! Who would be a baker when they don't know who or what they are!" She laughed
Y/N looked down
"what happened? Why can't i remember?"
Just as they were mumbling to their self Dark Enchantress uses her powers on them, taking them under her control
"Now let's see how that Gingerbrave will be"
She teleported you to a place it felt familiar to you but nothing... and you had no control over yourself anymore just then Gingerbrave and the others came they all looked at you shocked then you attacked them with all your power
One of them yelled you tried to tell them it's not you but you couldn't say anything as if you were mute
After a while you were tied down by Almond's chains and Gingerbrave said
"You're not the baker...Dark Enchantress must've copied them and tried to plat with our minds! The real baker is back at the palace!"
'-that hurt...i am the real one...right?-'
You thought to yourself then Purple Yam walked infront of you and said
"LET'S DESTROY THIS COPY!" And rose his weapon in the air ready to strike you, you were horrified and shut your eyes since you still hadn't control over your body but the impact never came you opened one of your eye to see a kid? With robot arm holding his weapon
"Don't i can tell that this is the real baker they are 70% water 7%blood and 6%air...the same how boring though"

Sorry for making you all wait

Hope you don't mind have a nice day/night

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