Good ending?

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Y/N's pov

'Thank heavens that little kid saved me...'
I saw that the chains were starting to get loose and i had no control over my damn body, after the chains were loose enough i broke free and ran, I didn't know where i was running to but i saw soon after...the cake witch, i looked back and saw that those people were behind me, I don't know who they are but for all i know they are the good side i stopped in my tracks once i was infront of her, and have full control over my body one of the 'cookies' asked
"What's our formation baker?"
I didn't exactly know but i decided and said
"First pair into a group of five with 1support and 1healer they should be able to keep us standing
Along with them we'll need defence and charge, for the last one...who ever is left dousn't matter if they are ranged or ambush and the groups should be from strongest to weakest so when ever one of them is severely injured we'll need back up, plus we'll need someone to be in their spot during the battle"
Clotted Cream came to me and said
"Are you sure about this? For all we know she is a Legendary and you don't have your memories and that orb cobtains the power to teleport anywhere in this world, I say we first need the ancients to do a number on her so when she is stunned Lengendaries and Super Epics can do their part then The epics i suppose...can't really say much for the Rares and commons..."
I protested
"Even if they are rare or common they can still help, through my formation we have a higher level of succeding with your idea as soon as we reach to the epic Healers fall then the rest of the team we will loose at that point,  yes i know the ancients can jump back in but it will be like they are carrying the whole fight we need a well balanced team!"
"What do you know what is good i am from the Republic and you! You are from this place where it looks like a disaster! I bet you haven't even fought against someone and succeeded"

"Oh i won against some Dark Chocolate boy i know i did it even if my memories are foggy i know for sure i won"

"Well i-
"ENOUGH!" Dark Enchantress yelled

Everyone was silent until Dark Enchantress again said
"Are you done jabbering? You cookies are so annoying! Begone with you all!"
She sent an army of minions they fought them off easily I struggled with mine but i managed to do so i looked around and saw Most of them were in my formations but some of them were in that Clotted bozo's and they were attacking her i saw her health bar get lower and lower it's working! When she was distracted i leaped forward and climbed up the cake monster i soon reached it's hand i took her staff and jumped off  noticing I didn't have anything to break my fall i threw her staff to the ground and the orb shattered a light erupted from it and flew right towards me but i blacked out

Pure Vanilla' pov•
I saw the baker throw the orb and then they fell oh i hope they are okay  i casted a spell to heal my team and also have protection and i ran to the Baker Herb did the same we quickly healed her up and ran back to our teams
"guys! We have to take down Dark Enchantress for the last time! We can do it!"
Everyone was trying her HP was one hit away from us until she formed and looked just like White Lily... No this is a mind trick! But i saw they had stopped
"What are you doing!? We are one hit away! And don't fall for her mind tricks! That's an illusio-
"Vanilla? Is that truly you?"
"Dark Enchantress i will never f-fall for your trick!"
But White Lily... i Don't understand Dark Enchantress can't be White can an Legendary secretly be an ancient? There is no way!
Wait the Baker should know

I looked back where i had set the baker and saw they weren't there i looked back at Dark- i mean White lily and saw the baker was with her
"Ha! I told you That baker was on H E R side all this time!"
Clotted cream yelled but i looked in closely and saw they were talking to her but I had a bad feeling i looked at Golden Cheese and she was holding Mango close to her
"I have a bad feeling Vanilla..."
"Me too"
I looked around and saw everyone was protecting their kids or HollyBerry standkng infront of Princess and Tiger Lily and rest of her people like Rasberry and Wildberry i looked back at mine and casted a spell of protection just in case something truly bad happens my great grandson ran to me and hugged me "it's allright" i said

White Lily's hand is dark coloured it...Dark Enchantress is inside of her...

Y/N's pov
"-so please it's either take control over her or i'll take her so what do you say?"
I reached out my hand for her to take she did and Dark Enchantress moved to my hand well then i'll now have to contain her everything started to fade the piles and piles of cookie dough and crumbles i looked down and The ancients were hugging White lily i smiled and looked back at my own hand which looks like Dark Enchantress's hand... dark with a few red-ish lines
"I'll have to take care of you.."
i started to walk away to my Bakery until i was stopped
"Where are you going!"
"Oh Strawberry Crepe! I'm going to my bakery to handdle some errands."
"You know i like being around you so i'll stick to you from now on!....if that is okay with you..."
i smiled and patted their head
"Of course, i have some things you might like for an upgrade you might like at my shop"
They nodded and followed me to my shop
"Say what happened to Dark Enchantress?"
You hesitately looked at your hand
"i'll tell you later okay?"

Back at y/n's house•

*angry Dark Choco noises*

(The baby face still hasn't escaped out of their rope)

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