Affogato you sleeky bastard

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third person's pov•
"C/N what should we do now? Wait are those the ancients? Doing smithy and such so those were the 'important duties' they attended mmmmhhhmmmm' c'mon let's go if i remember correctly there should be a campside somewhere around there"
Y/N started to walk towards the camping side and saw a few cookies
"Well well, you must be Y/N, name's Espresso we met yesterday" as Espresso introduces himself another cookie comes from behind him
"I affogato cookie will company you today, If you wish"
something about him seemed a bit off
"I know what you tried to do" Affogato looked stunned
"My,my, my child you are certainly an interesting one..."
Espresso then sais
"I mean he is allways up to no good so i am not surprised i better meet up with the team soon"
As Espresso walks away Affogato cookie pulls you behind a tree and asks well mire luke demands
"Listen here child..Tell me what do you know and how much you know..."
"Well you tried to take over Dark cacao kingdom an-"
"That's enough...glad you didn't find out the plan"
as he whispered the last part
"I said that's enough...glad that is now in the past you know"
As he follows you around all day you start to feel like there are more than one person/cookie is staring at you like multiple ones
"Child it's allright i'm here for you"
"You know what i should go and um check on the kids.." you speed walked to the playground but Affogato still followed them around

*at the playground*
You were sitting on a pretzel bench and still Affogato sat next to you you were lost in your train if thought
'What does he want? Why is he following me? What could possibly i have that he wants or needs' just then some small cookies gathered around you and asked to play with them you agreed and got up to play with them but in the corner of your eye you saw a cookie just sitting there with a pad infront of them you aprouched the cookie
"Hey., why aren't you playing with the others?"
"Because they're boring! I can take care of my self you know"
"It dousn't hurt to play a bit c'mon letms go play tag with the others allright?"
"You are quite interesting no cookie had came up to me and offered to play exept the baker,'re not a cookie are you huh? More similar to the baker...a human..interesting almost 90% of you is water how is it not souking thru?"
As Strawberry Crepe cookie examined Y/N they were interrupted by other small cookies wanting to play,they joined in and played tag, hide n seek, Witch (it like a game of red light green light in some parts of asia kids refers to green light, red light as witch if the witch sees you moving, you'll have to start from the beggining)

*timeskip to almost nighttime*

Y/N helped the small cookies get back home, Strawberry Crepe seemed to have an eye on them more than any other small cookies when they were walking back to the castle Affogato cookie stopped them
"my darlin' may i show you something? Hm?"
When Y/N was about to answer, Golden cheese cookie had pulled Y/N into the gates
"You can talk to that icecream coffee later right now it is meeting time and we have found out sometjing important


My my what did they find out? And where is C/N??

If the chalter names make no sence it is because i have no idea what yo name them alligh' please understand

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