An oven!

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In the mornin'

Y/N woke up and got dressed they left the tent to see the others having breakfast
"Y/N! Goodmorning! Come, sit with us" Hollyberry said Y/N sat next to Hollyberry
"When will be heading back to the kingdom?" Y/N asked while having a jellybear sandwich with some tea
"Soon...We should be heading back tomorrow at dawn if we manage to fight off the creatures and clear this place"
"That would be a lot of work"
"Alass yes, But we can take them down we're more powerful in groups and you know their weak spots and you give us comands on what moves and tactics are better and look how we've come, it's only a matter of time till we clear this place" Pure Vanilla explams
"Yeah but i wanna headback and play with the kids especially Strawberry Crepe she looked like she dousn't know what is everything and she's curios it's so sweet"

They talked a bit and set off to clear the stages hours and hours pass now they had to fight a boss which was the 'Creature of dark dough' what a common name for a creature, they fought and fought it took them a lot if time but now they have finally beaten the monster they traveled forward but came across some things

Pure Vanill's pov•
"I must say Y/N you are quite a quick thinker none of us would be allright if it weren't for you" They are certainly magnificent and i just wish we could finish this up so we can go home oh how i wonder what custard is doing

I was in deep thoughts when i almost tripped over sonething i look down and saw a spoon? "What is a spoon doing here?" I picked it up and i ran after the other "GUYS! I found something!" They turned around and saw me holding a fork
"That's nice Vani but um...That is a fork..." Goldencheese sais with a tint of concern in her voice
"It's hardly a find we're almost done, the mountain is just up ahead" Dark cacao spoke out
"That may be true but this for- wait i was holding a spoon...alass but this texts says PB on it and it sais made in...France? What is France?" Then     Y/N jumps in and sais
"oh! That's from my world! We have diffrent continents and countries but here it's same as theese lands! I knew that spork looked quite familiar"
'A diffrent continent and fascinating wait spork?'
"Eclair cookie would be thrilled to listen to your stories Y/N! But what is a spork?"
"It's like a spoon and a fork mixed together" We kept walking and we saw a big oven
"Is this where the witch bakes the cookies?..." Dark cacak sais anxiously
"I suppose, since this place has an oven and also flours but all theese things are diffrent from what i remember when i first came out of the oven they were using Fairy Flour and Shugar gnomes for shugar but I don't see anything like it all i see is 'flour' shugar' salt' i don't know any of theese things it is bizarre"
We kept exploring around till we came across a big note card thing

"Y/N B/N!
Hollyberyy read outloud
"Y/N? dear do you know this place? Are you one of the witches?...or worse are you working for Dark Enchantress?" As i asked uneasyly Y/N just looked at me

I'm so sorry i had tests and in 2weeks i'll have an week off of school so that would be the time i'd be more active

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