Bellatrix Lestrange x Fem!Reader (Not Yandere)

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A/N: Nothing else in this compilation is in the third person like this.

Y/N never expected to be captured by the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters. Sure, she knew the risks of them attacking her and even trying to torture or kill her, but not capture her. She was not as involved in the actual war and politics part, but she was a healer. The most time Y/N spent on any kind of 'battlefield' was when she would go out to heal those who had been injured, and needed immediate medical attention.

Now Y/N was looking the Dark Lord's right-hand woman, Bellatrix Lestrange, right in the face. Y/N had seen Bellatrix around Hogsmeade occasionally, and they had been in Hogwarts together, but this was the first time Y/N was seeing her up close. Bellatrix was magnificent. Her face was utterly perfect and her body looked as if it had been handcrafted by some higher power.

The dark clothes that seemed to hug her every curve made Bellatrix look terrifying but hot at the same time. For a brief moment, Y/N worried that she had been drooling, until she noticed just how close Bellatrix's face was to her own. They were inches from each other. Y/N glanced down at Bellatrix's lips. They were moving, Bellatrix had been talking this entire time.

"I-uh-did not hear you." Y/N looked down slightly embarrassed. For whatever reason Bellatrix made any competent thoughts Y/N had ever had in her entire life fly out the window. Bellatrix seemed to enjoy this whole interaction. She knew the power she was holding over Y/N right now.

Bellatrix grabbed her wand and pressed it into Y/N's upper thigh before dragging it down. Y/N whimpered a little.

"Oh, what a pretty little sound you just made. Surely your screams will sound even better." Bellatrix said with a teasingly gleeful tone.

How could they possibly expect Y/N to be properly interrogated when Y/N was so focused on the magnificently terrifying woman interrogating her.

"Such a pretty face, on such a dimwitted girl!" Bellatrix teased. She suddenly became very serious before continuing "what do you know of the order's plans?"

Bellatrix was just as magnificent when she was serious and that is all Y/N could think about, just how perfect Bellatrix looked. "I-um..."

Bellatrix cut her off "awe, is the pretty thing tongue-tied?" She was teasing again.

Bellatrix grabbed Y/N by the jaw forcing her head upwards to look Bellatrix in the face "be a good girl and tell us what we need to know and you will surely be rewarded."

Y/N had an inkling that Bellatrix was flirting with her, or at least teasing her to watch her squirm. Bellatrix seemed to enjoy waiting for Y/N's discomfort and nervousness. "I do not know anything of the order's plans! I am just a mediwizard!"

Bellatrix let go of Y/N's face before she began circling her like a shark circles its prey in the water. Then Y/N felt Bellatrix's nails gently scratch up her neck in an upward motion. Another whimper escaped Y/N lips and it only seemed to feed into Bellatrix's sadism even more. Bellatrix walked back to where she was once again facing Y/N. "You are not any regular mediwizard, you are one of the best and very close to Dumbledore. Pretty things that lie get punished." Bellatrix's voice was serious at the beginning but at the end, it went back to its teasing tone

"For lying to me I should have you on your knees begging for mercy before I use the cruciatus curse on you, but I am having so much more fun playing this way."

Y/N knew it was going to be a long time in this room between her barely able to form a decent thought and Bellatrix playing with her as a cat plays with a mouse before it finishes it off. However, Bellatrix had no intention of finishing Y/N off any time soon, as she had found her new favorite plaything.

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