Yandere Izuku Midoriya(headcanons and oneshot):

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- Izuku had known you for a very long time. You had been his closest friend before he inherited One for All.

- You were always willing to protect him from Katsuki which always ended up with the two of you threatening each other with your quirks

- Izuku followed you around. constantly praising everything you did.

- When Izuku brought you home to meet Inko she was more than ready to get you together. You made her son so happy! How could she not adore you!

- When it comes time for UA both you and Izuku make it into the hero course.

- You see his quirk for the first time in the entrance exam. When you confront Izuku about it he is evasive. He hates hiding this from you, but he wants his quirk to be a surprise for later on.

- He is not comfortable with you being in the hero course, but he hates the idea of you being away from him more.

- Izuku cries on your shoulder a lot. You are his comfort person. He sometimes wants to hug you and never let go.

- When the two of you graduate UA Izuku has already isolated you from your other friends and family. The only two people you interact with being Izuku and Inko.

- He "convinces" you to not do hero work and to stick to civilian work.

- Inko often blissfully talks about your wedding with Izuku and any grandbabies she might get from birth or adoption.

- When Izuku becomes the number one hero he keeps you locked in the house.

- He tells you how dangerous it is out there as if you hadn't lived out there once before.

- If you ask to leave Izuku will just ignore you or change the subject.

- If you demand to leave instead of asking Izuku will wrap his arms around you in a bone-crushing hug. You are usually a little bruised after this. The thought of you leaving just sends Izuku into a blind panic.

- To make sure you are "safe" while Izuku is out doing hero work Inko will often drop by your home at random times to check on you.

- If you have children adopted or from birth when they get old enough Izuku tells them to watch you and tell him everything you do during the day. if the children are not initially willing, he will offer anything they want.

- Most of the time in his mind you are the perfect little house spouse that he gets to spoil and love until the day you two die. Even if you are screaming how much you hate him, all he hears is the beauty in your voice.

- When it comes to delusion Inko is worse than Izuku. She only sees the perfect couple when she looks at the two of you. She refuses to acknowledge that you do not want to be with Izuku or that you want any freedom from Izuku.

- The only chance of help you get is from Katsuki Bakugo. He always noticed the creepy way Izuku would follow you around and write down notes about you in one of his notebooks, but even then the chances of you being saved by him are small. Everyone else adores Izuku. They all see the symbol of peace and a kind and loving hero. Not someone that forced his spouse into a marriage and is now keeping them hostage.


"Inko, please! You know this is wrong, just let me leave." You pleaded with the green-haired woman.

Inko picked up yours and Izuku's wedding picture "I had never seen such a beautiful wedding. You looked absolutely perfect. Izuku is lucky to have you." she murmured while hugging the picture to her heart then setting it back down neatly.

"Stop this! You know it's wrong for me to be here." You tried again.

"Dinner smells lovely, I am sure Izuku will love it. I may have to stay for a bite myself." She smiled at you seemingly ignoring your words.

"I hate it-" You began but were cut off by Izuku opening the door.

"Hate what, love?" He asked walking up and hugging you from behind. You knew if you answered wrong, he would end up squeezing the breath out of you.

"The soup I made; I hate it. It is not anywhere good enough for the number one hero to eat." You knew this was a good answer because Izuku chuckled before letting go of you and going to try a spoon full of the soup. You looked over at Inko who was watching Izuku with eager eyes.

"This soup is delicious!" Izuku said loudly, before going to kiss you.

"How was your day, sweets?" He asked.

"Same as usual." You told him, "What about yours.?" You continued.

"It would have been so much better had I been able to be with you the whole day." Izuku smiled.

You were grateful for his job, if he was home all day with your life would be so much more difficult.

"Well, let's eat!" Inko said happily to try and ease the undeniable uncomfortable air that had fallen over the room.

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