Amortentia (Yandere Draco Malfoy)

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Draco was waiting to walk with you to the Great Hall like he did every day. He started doing this a few months into your first year. At first, you thought it was a new bullying tactic, perhaps he was just doing this to learn your secrets and later tease you with them, but he wasn't. Truthfully he wanted to be your friend. After spending more time with him, you realized Draco wasn't all terrible. He seemed more like a lost puppy following you around, waiting for any crumb of attention from you.

Draco's flirting also did not go unnoticed. You did not know if he was doing it intentionally or not, so you decided not to speak on his constant playful teasing, and always trying to get your attention.

"Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?" He asks "as friends, of course, I could not be in a relationship with someone with your terrible style."

"I don't know, I don't like hanging out with arrogant boys." You keep your eyes on the book you were reading, you know this will make him mad.

"I am not arrogant! I am a delight to be around!" Draco sounded sincerely offended. You laughed at him.

"Fine, I will go with you." You look at him and smile playfully. He knew you were teasing him, but it still hurt.

"Great, I want you to meet my parents anyway. I want to make sure you all get along." He keeps looking at you, he wants, no he needs, just a crumb of your sweet attention.

You do look at him, a mischievous glint in your eyes  "I did not realize we are that far in our relationship, Malfoy."

Draco is flustered and offended once again. "If you are going tease me, you could have the decency to call me by my first name." He mutters before sitting down beside you.

"Oh come on! You tease people all the time and call them by their last names." You argue.

"That's different." For a second you thought he was going to cry. "Those people aren't my best friend."

"Draco I-" He cuts you off.

"No, I get what you are telling me. I'm not your best friend. I'm as much of your friend as any random kid that walks through that door." He did this a lot, you knew all he needed was about an hour or so of you doting on him and he would be fine.

"Oh no! You are the greatest friend ever, I just wanted to tease you a little." You hug him and he hugs back acting like this is not the greatest thing ever.

At Hogsmeade you meet Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. The encounter is very awkward. Lucius does not speak much to you, he doesn't even offer his hand out as a greeting. He is a very intimidating man. Narcissa, however, gets very touchy with you. Hugging you, touching your face, talking about how cute you are. All while Draco seems to beam with pride.

"Draco, you did not over exaggerate in your letters at all, aren't they just adorable," Narcissa says while hugging you.

This sets you off. Letters mean plural, how many letters had he sent talking about you. You certainly didn't think that was normal. The most your family had heard about friends was "I've been making a lot of great friends."

As you and Draco walked off, he pulled you near him and whispered "they both loved you", before enter-twining your fingers, something he had never done. You knew pulling away would cause a temper tantrum, so you let it be.

From that moment forward your life began to gradually get more difficult. Draco became more demanding. Whatever his parents said to him set him off to be extra possessive of you. He was starting to get bothersome. Constantly being everywhere you were, ready to pull you away from any conversation he didn't approve of and then going back to bully the daylights out of whoever you had been talking to.

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