Yandere Tony Stark x Unwilling! Reader (Headcanons and Oneshot)

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- Tony Stark already has some issues going on in his head (daddy issues).

- you need to be impressed by him, he needs your gratification.

- Do not misunderstand, he knows how great he is, but he wants you to know.

- Perhaps you are a civilian, maybe one he saves, or a reporter.

- If you are a civilian, expect to see him a lot "randomly" willing to pay for your groceries or coffee or whatever it is you are doing.

- If he saved you, he will playfully use it against you "As repayment for saving your life, you can have dinner with me."'

- If you are a reporter, he will be more than happy to give you as many interviews as you need especially if they are over dinner or something, and if you ask nicely enough he will reluctantly get you interviews with the other Avengers (even though he gets jealous). He just wants to be near you and see your wonderful smile.

- He is a tad delusional when it comes to you. Every step back you take he takes two forward, who would not want to be with a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. You are just playing hard to get in his mind, to see if he is really serious about this.

- Possessive to the max! Earlier on he will allow personal freedoms, but as his obsession falls farther he will begin to worry someone is out to get you or everyone else is roaming at the mouth for a chance to be with you. Tony cannot have that!

- He kidnaps you.

- But don't worry! All the other Avengers also have yandere tendencies and would never let anything happen to Tony's darling.

- Peter (Parker) looks at Tony as a father, so by default, you are also looked at like a parent (maybe he is a little "protective" of you too)

- Tony has eyes everywhere so do not think of escaping, or fleeing to another country or anything because you will be quickly found, and punished.

- Tony does not want to hurt you, but he wants you to need him. So your punishment usually consists of isolation. He has a special room built just for that. No t.v., no books, no entertainment, or windows of any kind. There is a soft but small bed and a small open bathroom and any food or toiletries come in through a little door that only seems to open when you are not looking or asleep.

- Tony wants other people to see how great you are and how good-looking you are. As soon as you begin to cooperate and are willing to be with him, he will get you expensive clothing and take you to lavish events to show everyone just how amazing you are and how well he can provide for you.

- Remember, corporative darlings are rewarded.


You were not exactly a fan of the Avengers. Their work made sense and you knew without them the earth would be in peril, but they always destroyed everything. No matter what they fought, they seemed to destroy an obscene amount of buildings.

You ran into them at a small shawarma place not far from the Avengers tower. From your understanding, they ate there often. Unlike the paparazzi and fans outside the restaurant that's not why you were there. Your roommate was pregnant and begged you to go get her some shawarma, she would jokingly say "the baby wants whatever food she was craving", and you being a good friend would go get her the food in question (after she asked you to of course).

It was not all the Avengers that sat there eating, it was Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, and the Hulk.

"No fans or paparazzi!" The owner yelled from the counter.

You understood the confusion, you had sat there staring for at least five seconds, but only to remember which ones they were. "I'm neither. I have a call in order."

Being nosy, Nat and Tony looked up to see exactly who wasn't a fan or paparazzi'. Nat quickly went back to talking to Steve and Bruce not finding anything particularly interesting while Tony stared. You politely waved while making the awkward smile people typically make in the supermarket when passing by someone in an aisle.

Something about you intrigued Tony, something about you was special and different than the other regular people that stood outside the restaurant waiting for the Avengers to come out.

"What's your order number?" The old man asked as you approached the register.

"Number forty-nine."

The man said your full name to verify that this was your order.

"Yeah." You knew your voice sounded rude, but you could still feel Tony Stark's eyes on you, people staring like that made you uncomfortable. Tony repeated the name quietly to himself to commit it to memory. He was for sure going to look into you later.

You left the restaurant after paying and getting the food and the next few weeks were normal. Up until you started seeing Tony Stark everywhere. Even your roommate mentioned seeing him a few times.

This time had been at a small coffee shop near your apartment. Tony showed up out of nowhere and began insisting to have coffee with you. His persistence combined with all the strange sightings put you off, and so you politely declined. Even after you said no he persisted to the point where you had to leave the little shop, and the worst part is that nobody in there was willing to step in and tell Tony to back off.

When you arrived home, a big lavish bouquet of roses sat outside your door. You read the card to see your name on the envelope before opening it to see "we should have dinner." - Tony Stark and then a phone number.

What was the matter with this guy? Why was he so interested in you? He was rich and considered handsome! He could have anyone he wanted, but for whatever reason he chose you. You rolled your eyes before bringing in the flowers only to throw them and the card in the trash. Which you would later regret.

Tony's harassment continued. Every time you went out he was there, not far behind. He would come up and question you about what you were doing and then proceed to ask if you wanted to join him for dinner, breakfast, lunch, coffee, etc.. Every time you turned him down becoming slightly angrier and less caring with each time you declined.

"One time, let me take you to dinner. I promise you will not regret it," Tony said with a smile that would have charmed anyone else.

"Look, Stark, you are a smart guy. I think you should be able to comprehend a simple no, or do I need to spell it out." You glared at him and, he just kept smiling. Truthfully the only thing he heard in that was that you think he is smart.

He followed you back home that night. Knocking on your apartment door as you nervously called the cops. Which by the time they arrived he was gone and they ended up making fun of you before leaving.

"You say the Tony Stark is harassing you, the Iron Man. One of the Avengers that has saved all of our asses more than once?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes, he has been showing up everywhere I am and he sent me flowers with a card, I don't know how he got my address, and then tonight he followed me home." You explained as your voice shook with fear and anger.

"Yeah right, where is the card?" The other officer asked.

"I through it and the flowers away."

One of the officers huffed while the other began to speak "look, it's against the law to make false claims, and Tony Stark is a hero. You should respect him a little more than to falsely accuse him of harassing you."

After being completely useless, the officers left, leaving you alone in your apartment. You wished your roommate had been there to confirm your story and comfort you afterward, but she was visiting family. You sat down on the couch to ponder what was happening.

After some time of sitting by yourself, you felt a prick in the neck like a needle sticking you, then hands on you, and then you felt heavy before blacking out.

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