Yanderes Bruce (romantic) and Damian Wayne (platonic) (headcanons):

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- Originally you and Bruce were just a one-night stand, you went home with him after a gala. The next morning you were sneaking out when you ran into Bruce's son Damian

- Boy was it awkward seeing that kid while you were doing the walk of shame, you had been unaware Bruce had a son.

- You had no intentions of contacting Bruce again, but he kept texting you. Then the texting turned to calls, and then the calls turned to him showing up places you were.

- You tell him that you just intended to have a one-night stand and you had no interest in seeing him again, and he practically begged you to go on a date with you.

- Which after he kept persisting, so you accepted.

- Bruce kept bothering you about more dates and more until you were at the Wayne manor meeting Damian and having dinner with the two.

- They had both known you before your first formal meeting with Bruce. He had seen you at a gala a while back and went and did research on you only to become obsessed as he kept looking into you.

- Damian had just so happened to find a file on you printed out that Bruce had misplaced, Damian immediately started asking Bruce questions about you which Bruce was more than happy to answer, and soon Damian is on the bandwagon too.

- Usually, after they were done fighting crime, they would go by your house or apartment, just to make sure your safe, and so they can both see you.

- You open up more when Damian comes into the picture, you have a soft spot for kids and Damian being around brings your real personality out.

- You constantly hug Bruce and Damian and squeeze Damian's cheeks telling him how cute he is. You light up Wayne manor in a unique way. Alfred love's that you make Bruce and Damian so happy, even if it means he has to hide the shrine of you in the bat cave.

- Bruce uses Damian to his advantage, knowing you have a soft spot for kids he has Damian ask you to move in, and if you say no because you understandably aren't ready. Damian will get "sick" and Bruce will ask you to come help take care of him where Damian will call you mom in a "sickened and delirious" state which makes you want to cry.

- You try to reassure Damian while he is "sick" and try to give him as much love as possible to make him feel better.

- Damian is embarrassed to be playing so sickly, but he is willing to do anything to have you in the manor forever.

- When you move in Damian tries to sleep next to you for the first week, but Bruce puts a stop to it wanting alone time with you.

- Damian shows you all of his animals, and you go by telling him how smart he is for knowing so much.

- Bruce only lets you out of the house if he is with you and normally Damian demands he gets to go for extra protection

- They both adore when you smile happily and tell them how much you love both of them, and their favorite thing to do with you is cuddled next to you and watch movie.

- They would kill or die for your physical affection. Honestly, you could not be a better object of their obsession.

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