Yandere Carrie White (headcanons)

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- Carrie is very admiring of her darling. She thinks the world of you, especially if you stick up for her when bullies come around.

- If you bully her, she still sees nothing wrong with you, she just thinks she needs to change whatever flaw you made fun of.

- Carrie follows you around, it doesn't matter if you are nice to her or mean she will follow close behind you any chance she gets.

- Carrie will leave you homemade gifts in your locker, and even baked goods.

- Despite following you around and leaving your favorite sweet treats in your locker Carrie will not actively talk to you. It's up to you to make conversation.

- She doesn't want to risk you not knowing her name or insulting her, even though she wouldn't mind bullying it still hurts hearing you point out her flaws.

- Carrie would talk to you if you talked to her first, but she would be super quiet and hard to understand.

- Carrie's mother found out about Carrie's "crush" on you she would chastise Carrie if you are masc. presenting and flip out if you were feminine presenting. Either way Carrie would be locked in her closet.

- Carrie ends up agreeing to go to prom with ... but she desperately wanted to go with you even if it had to be as "friends".

- Bully or not you compliment her at prom, either because you think she looks good in her dress or because you know she is about to be covered in pig's blood

- During the incident you manage to escape unnoticed and unscathed, but Carrie notices you after out on the lawn

- She approaches you and tells you "They got what they deserved"

- What happens next depends on if you bullied her or not.

- if you bullied her, she would find somewhere to lock you up, similar to her closet at home. Carrie will say that "you need to be taught a lesson"

- Carrie is still very soft with you, but you must be punished for being so mean. You need to love even her worst flaws.

-Now if you were nice to Carrie, she wraps around you and sobs into you.

- It's best just to let this happen because Carrie is very emotionally unstable.

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