Yandere (poly) Hannibal and Will with affectionate reader (headcanons) (NBC)

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- They both love you being so affectionate! Will especially though.

- Will is more likely to be affectionate back and match your energy.

- Hannibal will just let you hug and kiss him and when you finish, he will give you a sophisticated kiss, but if you quit being affectionate with Hannibal he would certainly notice, despite not being as physically affectionate as Will.

- Hannibal would look from a logical and analytical view, while Will looks from an emotional view.

- Will would be hurt if your hugs and kisses just stopped. he would go to Hannibal and ask if Hannibal thinks he did something wrong. Will would stress about it; it would keep him up at night. Will convinces himself he did something to upset you and amps his own affection (of all kinds) up to an unbearable level.

-Hannibal would not be as bothered by you slowing down on physical affection. He would like it better if you were still hugging and kissing him just about any time you see him, but he figures you need a break and lets you come around on your own. Unless he thinks things are going bad with your mental health. In that case, Hannibal would try his best to help you without being too much of a psychiatrist at the same time.

- Both of think you can do no wrong.

- They don't think you are perfect; they notice that you do have flaws, but they sincerely believe you could not hurt a fly. You are far too cute to be vicious or malicious

- If anyone dares say anything negative about you Hannibal is more than happy to take care of them, or if someone touches you or upsets you both Will and Hannibal are very much ready to get you away from the situation before you have to see something less than pleasant.

- Will is more likely to get nervous in public. He sees all the people look at the three of you and cannot pinpoint if they are looking at you because they want you for themselves or if they are judging the "bizarre" relationship. Either way, he hates it and will tightly grab onto you or Hannibal (usually you).

- The thought that you might try to leave sits in the back of both of their heads. You seem totally in love with both of them, and you have never tried to do anything to tell them otherwise, but the thought still makes not only Will uneasy, but Hannibal as well. Will is more frantic about his unease, while Hannibal doesn't even make his known as he listens to you reassure Will that you are with them forever.

- Your cute behavior really helps them trust you when they first pursue you. Hannibal figured you would not be willing to give them a chance and they would have to resort to drastic measures (kidnapping), but when you smile at them and accept their date offer, he was a little confused (though he would never admit it). He did not trust you at all, despite being enamored, but you are acting so affectionate and cute brought Hannibal around to trusting you pretty quickly.

- Will was more than happy to accept your trusting behavior. He trusted you without a second thought and encouraged Hannibal to do the same. Will was like a lost puppy following you around when your relationship started. He wanted to know everything about you.

- Hannibal puts a lot of thought into the food he cooks, but the first time he cooks for you he works extra hard to make sure the dish is perfect just for you. He absolutely dreads any allergies you might have that could potentially cause him to have to improvise, he really wants only the best for you. Especially if you give him lots of physical affection when everything is said and done.

- They make it their mission to hide what Hannibal uses for meat. Any time you ask one of them will give a short and vague answer. They want to preserve your innocence (that was 100% at Will's request)

- They also try to make it to where you only eat Hannibal's cooking, but Will knows sometimes it's good to eat some chicken nuggets and junk food so he is lenient on that, especially if you distract him with affection and cuteness

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