Yandere Rosalie and Emmett x uninterested! hybrid! reader (HC and OS)

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- The main thing to draw them into you is your lack of interest in them, or the Cullens in general.

- You're one of the few people who are not interested in Rosalie and her beauty or Emmett and his strength.

- The thing that draws you to them is the very thing they began to hate (your lack of interest).

- Emmett constantly makes jokes about kidnapping you and keeping you hidden until you fall for them. He is totally not joking.

- Rosalie is only opposed to it because she wants you to be interested on your own, not by force.

- They can't break into your room at night because when you wake up you will be able to smell them, especially with you being a hybrid, but they would 100% sneak into your room at night just to be able to be around you. Emmett would get bored and go through your things.

- When you end up with them all friends will be gone. Rosalie is extremely jealous because of your initial lack of interest so you need to make up for all the time you spent not being interested in them.

- You will end up with them either by isolation or by your own decision.

- Even though they only started looking at you because of your lack of interest in them, their interest in you will never go away. You are theirs' forever.


Edward could hear your thoughts and not a single one had been about Rosalie or Emmett. You seemed to think of the Cullens as more of a collective and usually only when a friend of yours brought them up. Edward doubted you even knew any of their first names or that three of the Cullens had different last names.

Rosalie had been furious when Edward told her and Emmett that you did not think about them. Emmett tried to console her, but he was also upset that you did not seem to think about them. Especially since you seemed so dedicated to that human friend of yours. That's when they decided to start making more scenes around you, or even around the people you talked to. Anything for you to think of them.

Things quickly went south when they heard you quietly say 'sure the blonde girl is pretty, but she's definitely not my type, plus I think she might be dating the tall dark-haired one.' Your friends seemed to scoff at your lack of interest in the strangest people in school. They decided to speak to you directly, to corner you while you were alone.

You slowly made your way back from the restroom when someone pushed you into a corner. Quite literally cornered. "We know you are a hybrid," Rosalie said holding eye contact. Your eyebrows furrowed "It's not exactly hard for vampires to figure out," Your voice was sarcastic.

"Why did you not approach us?" Rosalie asked. You noted that the tall dark-haired Cullen was being quiet, he was normally loud.

"Why would I approach you? Half of your 'siblings' look as if they are ready to snap at a moment's notice, and I do not want to be around when that ticking time bomb goes off. Also what reason would I have to approach you?" You glared at the couple.

"We are meant to be with together! Rosalie, me, and you!" Emmett blurted out seemingly impulsively.

"I have no interest in you or your siblings, and I will never have any interest in any of you. It's best if we keep on our separate ways." You began to walk away, but Rosalie's words stopped you.

"What does that human have that we don't? We are perfect for you! We can all three live together, forever." Her hand made its way to your wrist, and with you being just a hybrid she was still stronger than you and her grip was hurting. You winced "you're hurting me!"

"No! You're hurting us! Do you have any idea how much it hurts knowing you do not want us? Do you know how much it hurts to be away from you?" Rosalie said frantically. Neither she nor Emmett could bear more time away from you.

You managed to rip your wrist away "stay away from me, I'm not interested," You said before leaving.

"That worked out well," Emmett joked.

"How can you joke right now?" Rosalie pouted.

"Well they have to sleep sometime, they are just a hybrid after all," Emmett suggested

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