Yandere Mikaelson Family (poly) (romantic) (headcanons and oneshot):

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- Esther and Mikael are the two that would not be willing to share you with anyone. Mikael is the type of person that says, "if I cannot have you then no one can" and then proceeds to try and kill you "for your own good"

- Esther is more likely to hide you away from everyone else.

- Mikael hates you being near Klaus or anyone of his children. He is the cause of a lot of problems and does not last long in your life

- Esther also does not last long in your life. The difference is with her, she is fine with you being around her children (most of them) as long as you choose to be with her over them in the end.

- Klaus is possessive of you. Big-time possessive of you. He is more than willing to start fights with his siblings to get to go with you were ever you end up. He hates having to share you with the others.

- Elija is controlling, he just wants you to be safe and does not trust the others to keep you on a healthy schedule.

- Rebekah is also pretty possessive, but not in the sense that she wants to follow you around as Klaus does, but more she wants to be touching you as much as she can. She adores your physical affection.

- Kol likes to act like he knows best and like he is better than you, and that you cannot do a single thing for yourself, but in reality, he just wants you to look at him with a doing eyes while he dazzles you with whatever he is doing.

- Freya worships you. Full-on shrine and everything, every breath you take amazes her to no end. You could talk about doing something treacherous and she would still just act fluttery like you did not threaten to commit mass arson.

- Finn just likes getting to be around you. He likes having time with you, just the two of you. He thinks it's a gift to be in your presence. Finn is the most well-kept with his tendencies towards you.

- Out of activities to do Rebekah likes to go shop with you (only the finest clothes) and then dress you up in different outfits and make you model them for her (and any other family around).

- Elijah likes to read with you, he also likes to write poems and other sweet things like that for you to read when you miss him.

- Klaus just likes to talk. He likes you to talk, he also likes to talk (Klaus needs a therapist). Klaus likes to hear your personal opinions about things, but it takes him a while to talk about his personal feelings, and the first time Klaus does talk about his feeling and inner thoughts he compels you to forget them.

- Kol likes to do anything he can get your admiration from or anything he can do while flirting with you.

- Freya likes to read with you. The two of you cuddled up reading different books and just not thinking about anything in particular.

- Finn likes to either take you to an elegant, but safe, restaurant and pretend as if your relationship is normal and he is not a resurrected witch/vampire. He likes to pretend that the following morning you won't be taken away by one of his siblings.

- If they decide to change you into a vampire (which is inevitable, they want you alive for as long as they are alive) you will not be getting any kind of daylight ring. The sun is one of the few things in your vampirism that will keep you tied to them and not trying to escape.


Your life had been normal, nothing normally happened to you. You certainly never expected to find out the supernatural world exists. You woke up in a strange room with a familiar man sitting next to you.

"It is good to see you awake." He said smoothly. He was suave with dark hair and a tailored suit. The man looked familiar. " My name is Elijah" He continued.

"Why am I here?" You asked.

"Your heart sped up. You have no reason to be nervous, we have all vowed to protect you, as long as you are good and do not try to run away." Elijah seemed very calm and aloof.

"Why would I need to be protected?" You asked.

Before Elijah could answer your question, another man walked in. He was scruffier than Elijah and put off an intimidating vibe. "Because now that we all have an interest in you, there will be threats made on your life, by people that would be more than willing to go through with them." This man did not try to come off as gentle as Elijah had. This man seemed to not care if he scared you.

"Klaus, we have to be discreet on what we tell them, we do not want to overwhelm them on their first day here," Elijah argued with the man called Klaus.

The next few months were spent being passed around, between Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah. You often felt like nothing more than a doll to them. They argued over who got you on certain days, what clothes were "inappropriate", and what food you should not be allowed to eat. Klaus was the most lenient in these rules as long as you cuddled and comforted him while he talked about his life.

You had even met their parents which their father tried to kill you after you said you did not want to be with him. Their mother tried to hide you away until three more of the Mikaelson children came to "save" you.

"How many of you Originals are there?" You asked the new blonde woman.

"There is me, I am Freya, Finn, and Kol who were the other men with me tonight, and Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah. I know this is confusing, but if we can get the other three to agree to share you with us, you will be way safer. Especially since mother and father are out of the picture. To have you die would kill us all" Freya seemed softer than Rebekah.

The idea of having six of these Mikaelsons passing you around instead of your original three made your stomach hurt. They all made it known you were weaker and could not escape them, would these three be the same if all six did decide to share you?

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