Yandere Ban and Yandere King with a darling that rejects them (separate)

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- Ban is very playful with his obsession.

- He likes to see them blush, he likes hearing your laugh and seeing that nice smile.

- Ban is also very touchy. He wants to be touching you in some way even if he had not pursued you romantically yet.

- Ban likes to do things for his darling. He loves to cook for you and then see your face as you fall in love with the food he cooked.

- He has certain recipes that he will only cook for you.

- Ban likes to drink, yandere or not, so he likes it when he gets to relax with his darling while you both have a bottle of ale in hand, he usually prefers it to be just the two of you, but if the other sins join he will not complain.

- It's on one of these lighthearted nights that he finally confesses his feelings, which is rejected by his darling (probably because Ban's weird behavior was noticed)

- Ban is laid back and lenient until this point. If he sees anyone who isn't Elizabeth or a Sin talk to you either their lives will be miserable or he has killed them.

- He convinces Meliodas to no longer put you on missions

- Ban also convinces the other sins and Elizabeth to quit speaking to you. They all happily agree being yanderes themselves and most of them knowing the struggle he is going through.

- Eventually, he takes you and hides you so you do not have a choice but to fall for him.


- King is very gentle with the object of his obsession.

- Super protective as well, though not as protective as Ban

- He loves to relax with his darling, laying in the grass or elsewhere talking about nothing in particular.

- King will do everything he can to make these moments be just him and his darling.

- He can also be very bashful with his darling, anything that could be perceived as romantic makes him nearly pass out (even if you are not intentionally being romantic)

- King gets jealous faster than Ban but he also cools down quicker. King also does not anger as easily.

- King will confess his feelings for you while you two are laying under the stars. He says it very hastily and he gets very flustered and embarrassed afterward, especially when you tell him you're not interested.

- When you try to leave after King's confession he will beg you to stay, and because you do not want to jeopardize your friendship with him you do stay. King stews about it and asks if it's because you have feelings for someone else.

- King gets clingy after this.

- He does not leave your side for anything.

- All of the sins will heavily encourage you to be with King. Every time you have a conversation with one of them they will tell you how great King is and how perfect you are made for each other.

- Eventually, you have no choice but to agree to be in a relationship with King

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