Chapter Six

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Since the big decision of the Kim family moving to America, there was a lot to be done.

"OH MY GOD!!! My baby brother's finally moving to America!!!"

Namjoon holds the phone away from his ear, and even winces at hearing his older sister's loud and enthusiastic voice. "Yeah noona, I think it's time we take the kids somewhere where they're more accepted. It's not even about Jin and I anymore."

"Those poor kids." Geongnim sighs. "You let them know that auntie will take very good care of them!"

  Hearing this makes Namjoon smile and his heart flutter. He knew his sister would help him out, she always had. "Have you let Matthew-hyung know yet? Is he okay with the seven of us moving in with you two?" He asks, not forgetting that it took his brother-in-law's approval as well, not just his sister's.

   Geongnim hums. "He was really ecstatic too. You know he loves you and Jin. He's very excited to finally meet the kids too." Namjoon can practically hear the smile Geongnim must have while she said that. "He's been referring to himself as 'uncle Matthew', it's pretty amusing."

   Namjoon's conscious was now at ease knowing that his sister and brother-in-law were okay with his plan. However, he did make sure to let them know that his family would be contributing to their house in exchange for their hospitality, that way there was no corrosion between the two families. He knows this will make Jin feel better about the whole situation too.

   "Alright then. I'm not sure exactly when we'll be ready to move over there, but I'm glad we're on the same page." Namjoon tells Geongnim. "I'll keep you posted, okay noona?"

   "Yes, yes! And anything else you need, just give us a call okay little brother? Tell the kids that auntie says hi and I love them very much and give them a biiiiig hug for me!"

   "I'll do that noona, goodbye. Tell Matthew-hyung we said hello." They bid their goodbyes and hang up.

Then, Namjoon decides to message his husband at home.

Hi doll, how are things
at home?

Good afternoon my love^.^
Things are going well. Jungkook
is scribbling in his coloring
book, the twins are back from
school already and in a bit
we're off to pick up Sunshine
and Yoongi.

How's work? Nothing too
serious I hope.

No, love, nothing that would
put me in danger. Although
we did have to answer a
domestic violence call...

It wasn't a very pretty sight
Jinnie. I had to go get a coffee
again afterwards cause of how
shaken up I was.

Oh Namjoon... People
are just horrible... is the
person safe now?

Yeah, we got EMS to come
and take the victim to the
hospital. She didn't want me
to leave her, but I still had
to take her boyfriend into
custody so Kayee went with her.

Poor girl... no one deserves
that kind of treatment...

Yes I know doll, but
unfortunately, some people
aren't emotionally intact.
They feel the need to harm
others and take control of
whatever relationship
they have.

Thankfully, this girl was
able to call for help. This
guy isn't getting off the hook
so easily. She was also pregnant.

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