Chapter Sixteen

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Hoseok had been suspended from school for the rest of the week. Monday was his first day back again and he was nervous to say the least. He was hoping that Cherin wouldn't be too mad at him for what happened at the dance.

Namjoon had a day off that day, so he offered to drop the boys off at school and let Jin stay home with Jungkook. He was pretty surprised to find that Yoongi was excited to get to school. All weekend he had been talking about his sleepover with Lu Han and it brought him joy to see that his oldest was finally breaking out of the cold, hard shell he had.

"Hoseok, why don't you sit up front with me." Namjoon says after Yoongi gets off.

The boy's face lights up and he quickly scrambles to get in the front seat. "Thanks Appa!"

The man gives him a smile. "How you feeling today bud?" He asks, pulling away from the drop off area.

"A little scared," Hoseok admits. "What if Cherin hates me? Or the other kids are afraid of me?" His expression returns to a somber one.

"I don't think any of that will happen. I'm sure Cherin will be happy to see you back in class." Namjoon assures his son. "From now on, try to behave okay? If there's any problem, tell your teachers or come and tell me. We'll take care of it okay bud?"

Hoseok nods. "Okay Appa."

Not too long after their discussion, they arrive at Hoseok's school. The younger glances back a couple times, hesitant to go back, but the reassuring smile on his appa's face gives him the courage to walk inside the building.

He keeps his head down, feeling the gaze of students on him. Gripping the straps of his backpack, he tries to calm his racing heart.

Everything is going to be okay. He tries telling himself. Appa said it will be fine.

"Hoseokie!" A familiar voice calls from down the hall.

Before Hoseok even has time to look up there's a weight launched on him. Arms were wrapped around his neck and the familiar warmth begins to melt his anxiety away.

Cherin holds him in an embrace for a moment before pulling away. "I'm so glad you're back!!" She exclaims, then pulling away to examine the other. "Ouch, are your hands okay?" She asks when she spots the bandages on his knuckles.

He nods dreamily. "Yeah, they'll be good."

Chuckling, Cherin grabs onto one of Hoseok's hands. "C'mon, let's go to the classroom already! I have so much to tell you!"

   Hoseok couldn't even tell that he was being dragged away. All he could see through his rosy vision was Cherin. His face was pink from the blush and the hand that Cherin was holding was tingling. When they enter the classroom, he and Cherin find their desks.

   She sits and begins to tell Hoseok about everything that had happened the days he was absent. But Hoseok couldn't hear a word she was saying, he only stared at her beautiful face.

   Only her sulking finally made him pay attention. "Hoseokie, I'm happy you're back. But I wish we could've spent time together at the dance." She tells him.

   Hoseok feels a pang in his own heart seeing Cherin sad. "Well, I'm back now. And maybe your eomma will talk to my dad and we can hang out after school." He offers a smile.

   Cherin doesn't reflect his enthusiasm. "I don't live with her anymore,"

   "Really?" Hoseok asks in surprise. "Why not?"

   The young girl hugs herself and looks to a spot on the classroom floor. "I really don't know why, but some people came to our house and looked all over. They went into our rooms and asked me all these questions."

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