Chapter Fourteen

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[Yoongi's Middle School; Lunchtime]

Since Lu Han became Yoongi's friend, the thirteen year old often found himself going over to his house after school. He wouldn't ride his bike anymore, though. He simply resorted to riding public transit with Lu Han instead. Then his dad would come pick him up whenever it was time to go home.

This time around, Yoongi agreed to a sleepover. He's never been to one before, but has heard stories of how fun they are from other classmates. Lu Han was extra ecstatic when Yoongi had said yes. He was already planning a schedule with everything they were going to do, Yoongi not paying attention to a single word.

He was most worried about the assignment he was given to write an ode. His summary was due in two days and he hadn't a clue what to write.

   "This is such bullshit," Yoongi crumples up yet another sheet of paper and tosses it to the side where he had a begun a small pile of paper wads. "I don't even know what I could pay an homage to, I don't like anything other than rap music."

   Lu Han picks up the papers and goes to throw them into the garbage can nearby before plopping down next to Yoongi. "I doubt rap music is the only thing you like Yoongi-ah," he then hums. "Well, first start by writing down a list of things that are dear to you." Suggests the teen.

Yoongi grimaces. "That's gross,"

"What is?"

"Feelings." Says Yoongi. "I hate them. I wish I didn't have to feel anything. Then nothing would bother me." He shoves the notebook into his bag and puts it in a spot that he could rest his head on it. "I'll just look up some bullshit poem online and copy it." He says, closing his eyes.

Lu Han responds, "I sort of understand what that's like." He plays with the grass nervously. "Sometimes you feel certain things and... you know people won't like you for it if they found out. So you wish you never felt that way..."

   Yoongi's eyes open, and he turns to look at Lu Han, who suddenly has a sad expression on his face. "Hey," he sits up. "You alright?"

   The other doesn't reply right away. He brings his knees up against his chest, and rests his arms and head on them. "It's nothing. Forget I said anything." He sighs.

   Normally, Yoongi would've shrugged and let it go, but he was curious as to what Lu Han was talking about. "Lu Han, we're friends aren't we?"

   The other boy looks at him. "Of course we are."

   "You can trust me. I'm not like that asshole Kai and his band of morons," he smiles a bit when Lu Han chuckles. "I have two dads, and I get judged as a person for it. I'm the least person to judge you on anything."

   It takes another moment, but Lu Han turns his body to face Yoongi. He looks around, making sure no other students were walking by. "I have these weird feelings," he begins. "Like... I'm not myself. Or at least I'm not me on the outside."

   Yoongi has no idea what Lu Han means. "Not you on the outside? Are you fake or something?"

   The other shakes his head. "No, no like... I don't like this body." He gestures to himself.

   "You're self-conscious?" Asks Yoongi. "You're not ugly or anything if that's what you mean."

   Letting out a frustrated sigh, Lu Han grabs his bag and stands. "I'm sorry Yoongi-ah, but I want to be alone right now." He then leaves.

   Yoongi is dumb-founded. Did he say something wrong? The sound of the bell interrupts his thinking and he stands, grabbing his bag as well.

   Did that mean there was no sleepover tonight? Yoongi couldn't tell.

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