Chapter Two

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   "And then, TaeTae got a yellow card for talking too loud, but I told him to draw a picture for Ms. Bae and she gave him a green card after nap time!!" Jimin explains while Jin drives to pick up Hoseok.

   "That's nice that you got to convince her sweetheart." Jin looks in the rear view mirror at Taehyung, who's playing with a small car and driving it up Jungkook's arm. "But Taehyung, you need to behave and get green cards on your own. If Ms. Bae tells you to not talk loud you need to listen to her okay?"

   "Okay daddy." Tae answers, clearly not paying attention and continuing to drive the car on top of the toddler's head.

Jin slows the van to a stop and smiles when he sees Hoseok walking out of school. However his smile fades at seeing Hoseok's head low as he came up to the van and opens the door. "Hi sunshine." He tries to play it off as nothing. "How was the first day of school?" He gets a bit worried when his son says nothing and shuts the door. "Hobi?" He finally turns around. "Everything okay honey?"

Hoseok fiddles with his fingers, biting his lip as well. It takes him a while, but he finally looks up at Jin and says, "Daddy, is it wrong to have two dads?"

Jin's taken aback by the sudden question. "Did something happen Hoseok?" He asks.

The younger shakes his head. "No... but my classmates asked me why I didn't have a mom." He tells him.

"Oh honey," Jin places a hand on the smaller's knee. "It doesn't matter who your parents are, you can have a mom and a dad, two dads, two moms or even no mom and a dad and no dad and a mom. What matters is that you are loved." He explains. "Your Appa and I love you so much Hoseok, there's no shame in that."

He's quiet again and then he asks, "Are you and Appa gay?"

With a sigh, Jin turns back around and pulls out of the parking lot. "Do you know what that means Hoseok?"

"No." He answers truthfully. "But a boy said his dad said gays are gross. I didn't know what he meant by that and I've never thought you and Appa were gross."

It's Jin's turn to bite his lip. Dear Lord now they're attacking my children. He thinks to himself and lets out a sigh. "We'll talk about this later okay?" Hoseok agrees and Jin smiles at him through the mirror. "Did anything good happen?"

Hoseok thinks and then gasps. "Oh! I gave Cherin-yah some of my lunch today!" He says, smile back on his face. "Her mom only packed her a bean bun and rice so I gave her my kimchi and half of my carrot sticks!"

This puts a smile on the elder's lips. Hoseok was so generous and kind and he hoped with all the energy in the universe, that this issue of having two fathers wouldn't change him in any way. He would need to talk to Namjoon about this and how they could resolve this problem. After all, he married a smart man. A blush creeps up to his cheeks as he thinks about how they haven't had a chance to be intimate since they adopted Hobi, the twins and Jungkook. Yoongi was a very heavy sleeper and soon started sleeping with his headphones in so it was much easier to get away with it, but once they adopted the others, their private time was over. "That's good honey." He answers absentmindedly.

"Daddy can i take lunch for Cherin tomorrow?" Hoseok asks.

"Of course you can. I'll send you with an extra box so you can give it to her." Jin smiles.

Yoongi waits outside the school and to say he's scared about showing his dad the referral he got, is an understatement. He didn't know how to bring it up or if he should just forge the signature himself and avoid being scolded and punished. It was punishment enough that he had to turn in his phone and force himself to stay awake during class.

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