Chapter Five

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"We're really moving to America?!" Yoongi shouts, his jaw dropping afterwards. "No freaking way..."

Hoseok jumps up and down. "Can i go to dance school there too?!"

The babies don't really know what's happening, but they become hyped up as well. Jungkook is laughing and hopping, holding onto the couch so as to not lose balance. The twins have started screaming and running around, causing for Jin to have to get up and settle them down.

"Yes, we're moving in with your auntie Geongmin and Uncle Matthew in New York." Says Namjoon. "I know it's way different from living here in Korea, but your dad and I talked about it and we think there'd be way more acceptance for you guys having us as parents." He takes said man's hand in his own. "It'll be hard, trying to learn English and getting accustomed to your surroundings and the cultures."

Yoongi violently shakes his head. "I'm so down to get away from here." He says. "I can finally become a rapper! And there's more opportunities in America!" He monologues.

At that Jin quirks an eyebrow. "When was it decided you were going to become a singer?" He asks.

"Not a singer dad. A rapper." Corrects Yoongi. "I decided this on my own. I know my destiny is to be up there on stage, spitting fire into the mic and watching the crowds try and sing along with me."

"What about college?" Jin presses.

Rolling his eyes, the teen answers, "You don't need college to succeed in life dad. There are plenty of idols who made their success and they didn't go to college."

Before Jin can continue arguing, Namjoon steps in. "He's only thirteen Jin, his goals could change by the end of high school." He ignores the soft 'yeah right' Yoongi says. "Anyways, once things are settled between us and auntie Geongmin, we'll start packing our things."

"And when are we moving to America?" Asks Hoseok.

"Probably not anytime soon sunshine. These things take time." Jin smiles at him.

Namjoon nods. "For now we need to start cleaning out things and maybe doing a couple yard sales too, just to get rid of things." He says. "And about school, you guys have to put up with it for a couple more months." His eyes shift to Yoongi. "I know it's hard and it's frustrating, but we all have to see that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We're a strong family and we never give up, do we?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "No. We don't."

This makes Namjoon smile. "For the time being, you guys start making plans to get rid of things you don't use anymore. Your dad and I will probably ask for help with things as well until we're ready to leave."

   After their small family meeting, Yoongi was pumped. And the way his teenage mind interpreted everything was "fuck school and getting good grades! I'm moving to America!!!" So with a new hope and attitude, he practically skipped up the stairs to his room.

   Jin and Namjoon glance at each other before the elder notices the babies yawning. "Okay you three, I think it's about time you take a nap."

   Jungkook was already holding up his arms to be carried. He was still attached to his pacifier, even tho Jin had tried to wean him off of it since he turned two, so it was held firmly in his mouth as he laid his head on Jin's shoulder after being picked up. The baby instantly holds onto his dad's ear as well, already dozing off as they head up the stairs.

   The twins, on the other hand, latch onto Namjoon like koalas. When the man kneels, Taehyung immediately climbs onto his back and Jimin grips onto his appa's shirt after Namjoon hoists him into his arms. He follows his husband up the stairs and into their room.

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