Chapter 1

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Hey, hey, hey! My name is Larkin Kyler Vance. I am 17-years-old, gay, and I am able to birth babies. I have three older brothers, one younger brother, and one young sister. Logan is the oldest at 19-years-old, and then 18-year-old twins Jason and Jacob. Then there is me, then 15-year-old Jordan, and then 14-year-old Laria. We live together with our two dad's, Lucus and Jace. Lucus we call daddy, and he is 36-years-old. Jace we call papi, he is 35-years-old, and he gave birth to all of us kids.

I am 5'9" with black hair that is pushed forward over my forehead. I have piercing blue eyes, pale complexion, and slight muscles.

The eight of us are driving across country to move to our new shifter pack in Bitely, Michigan. Bitely is the last city in northern Newaygo county. We are the surviving members of our Tiger pack after an attack by a pack of Lion shifters about two weeks ago. We are traveling from San Diego, California, and we will arrive at our new home in about two hours.

It has taken us some time to travel because we stop frequently for sightseeing, much needed rests, and make sure everyone's wounds are properly taken care of, and I'm the only one with injuries left.

"Larkin, how are your ribs and wrist?" papi inquires from the front passenger seat where he has turned his upper body slightly to look at me - I'm sitting behind daddy with Laria and Jordan in the back seat, too.

Shifting slightly in my spot to try and ease the two aching ribs; "I am okay, papi, I promise."

He quietly stares at me for a second before nodding with a worried expression; "Okay. We are stopping in about thirty minutes."

"Okay, papi," I murmur with a tiny smile of appreciation.

Papi nods before briefly glancing at my sleeping siblings as it is 5:30 a.m. I am surprised papi isn't sleeping, too, considering he drove ten hours before daddy took over an hour ago. The only reason that I have been awake the last five hours is from my broken wrist and ribs woke me, and I couldn't find a comfortable position to try and sleep more.

We stop thirty minutes later, and I wake my siblings with a quiet; "Laria, Jordan, we are stopping for a few minutes."

They groggily wake up, rubbing their eyes with large yawns before slowly exiting the vehicle. Carefully climbing out, all of us walk around the parking lot for several minutes while daddy and papi head inside the gas station to buy snacks and drinks for everyone.

When the exit the gas station, they hand out the items, telling us to stretch out for a few more minutes before we are heading out again. An hour later, we enter our new town, and there is not much here except a national forest, a post office, a township hall with a small children's playground, a gas station, a bar/restaurant, and houses.

"Alright guys, we are home," daddy says as he pulls into a long driveway, and you can hear the grin in his voice.

I grin a little myself when daddy parks in front of one of two homes, and there are three out buildings. Climbing out of the vehicle, daddy claps his hands together, gaining our attention as all eight of us gather together.

"Logan, Jason, Jacob, and Larkin, you boys are sharing the second house," daddy informs us. "Jordan and Laria, sorry, but you guys are stuck with papi and I in this house."

"Let's unpack the vehicles," papi happily says with a soft grin, and the eight of us set to work.

Four hours later everything is taken from the vehicles and trailers, and everything has been unpacked and placed in the correct locations.

"Larkin, how are you doing?" papi asks as he enters the house I am sharing with my older brothers.

"I'm okay, papi," I try to assure him with a fake smile. "Please don't worry about me."

I am sitting at the kitchen table because my ribs are harshly throbbing even with the brace wrapped around my ribs tightly.

"Oh my sweet Larkin, do you really think I can't see past the fake smile?" he returns as he sits down next to me.

Dropping the fake smile to pout as I softly admit; "My ribs are throbbing and it makes it hard to breathe."

"My poor baby," papi coos with a sad expression as he runs his fingers through my hair soothingly. "Daddy ordered pizzas and sodas from the bar for dinner, then you can have your pain reliever, and go to bed early if you want."

"What about meeting the Alpha and Luna, and the pack?" I quietly ask.

Papi softly smiles; "We are meeting them in the morning, and then we are being inducted into the pack later. They are holding a ceremony in the evening to do this."

Silently nodding as I yawn behind my hand m as my brothers enter the kitchen whining to papi about being hungry. Papi informs them that daddy has ordered pizzas and sodas. We haven't gone grocery shopping yet, so there is no food here. Papi, Logan, Laria and I are doing tomorrow at some point in the day.

By 10 a.m., I have had two slices of pepperoni pizza, a small glass of soda, showered, taken two pain relievers, and now I am under the covers of my bed. I seriously thought that being in a new town, new state, and new home would make it difficult to fall asleep, but I am thankfully wrong.

I just hope my sleep is nightmare free, and that my insomnia does not read it's ugly head tonight. I want to start sleeping peacefully and normally again since I am tired of being tired and scared of what might happen if another attack happens.

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