Chapter 2

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The next morning, I am awake and dressed by 6 a.m. despite still being exhausted. Quietly exiting exiting the house, I walk to the main house where I quietly enter in search of more pain reliever since my bottle is here for some reason. I am startled when I catch sight of papi sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in front of him.

"May I have a cup of coffee, and pain reliever, please?" I softly request since it doesn't seem like anyone else is awake.

"Of course, Larkin," papi agrees with a smile as he gestures towards a cupboard with his hand. "Cups are in that cupboard, and your pain reliever is on the counter next to the coffee maker."

Smiling my thanks, I head to the counter to pour a cup after swallowing two relievers. Sitting down next to papi at the table I ask where the coffee grounds from, and he tells me that it was here with a note that it is from the Alpha and Luna as a welcome.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask before taking a sip of the coffee.

"Yeah, did you?" he returns hopefully, and I nod despite being tired.

"I am sorry we had to move," I mumble my eyes filling with tears as I look sadly at papi.

"Larkin, our moving here is not your fault," he assures, grasping his right hand over my left with a gentle squeeze. "Our pack was attacked, and that was not caused by you."

"I am still sorry," I mumble while glancing at the table briefly, and before papi can say anything, daddy enters the kitchen with Jordan and Laria behind him.

"Morning, part of my beautiful family," daddy greets with a sleepy smile. "Where are Jason, Logan, Jacob?"

"Morning, and they are still sleeping," I answer with a small smirk since my older brothers hate getting up early.

"Lazy asses," daddy chuckles with a smirk since he doesn't mean his comment harshly.

"Okay, so we are meeting the Alpha and Luna at 8 a.m., and the welcome-introduction ceremony is at 6 p.m.," daddy tells us before asking Jordan to head over to the other house to wake our brothers since they need to be up to eat before we meet with the Alpha and Luna.

"I will wake them, daddy since I need to get dressed," I tell him as I carefully stand, so I don't hurt my ribs.

"Okay son," he agrees, nodding slightly with a weak smile when he notices how slow I am standing to my feet.

Walking back to the house, I climb the three wooden steps onto the porch that wraps around the entire house. Entering, I shut the door behind me while listening for any sounds, and hear voices coming from the kitchen. Heading to the kitchen, I find all three brothers sitting at the table drinking water from bottles, and laughing while they talk.

"Morning," I greet with a smile as I grab a water bottle that Logan is holding out for me.

"Morning," they greet back, and I inform them of the timetable for the day.

After that, I carefully walk upstairs to my bedroom to painfully dress in a pair of denim skinny jeans, black socks and Vans, and a long sleeve white shirt once I have placed the rib wrapping on.

"Larkin, get a move on! Daddy says we are going out for breakfast!" Jacob calls up the stairs.

"Okay!" I holler back as I comb my hair with my fingers before grabbing my wallet and cell to walk from the room.

Making my way downstairs, I join my brothers at the front door, and we leave together with Jason locking the door behind us. We meet everyone else at the vehicles where we split into two groups.

"Are you guys excited to meet our new Alpha and Luna?" Logan asks cheerfully as he follows behind daddy, and he sounds happy, but I can tell he is nervous.

"Yup!" Laria chirps - she always finds Al joy in everything, and I love that about her.

Well, this is one of the many reasons I love my little sister.

Once we have arrived at the bar, all of us head inside to sit in the back where there are tables together with enough seating. A pet, older woman with blond hair comes over with an smile, her pen and pad ready.

We give her our drink order, and she leaves with a promise of returning soon with our drinks, and then to take our food order. She returns a few minutes later, hands out the drinks before taking our food orders.

"Alright, we are meeting the current Alpha and Luna, future Alpha and Beta across the street at the town hall," daddy informs us with a slight smile at all of us.

We all smile and nod in agreement with papi saying; "Larkin, if you become, come stand closely with one of us."

I am extremely shy with new people. I am loud and crazy with my family and old friends who are no longer with us.

I nod as I shift uncontrollably I'm my seat between the physical pain and the emotional pain of being shy. The lady brings our food over a minute later, and everyone tucks into their food with light conversation.

At 7:50 a.m., daddy pays them bill, and we walk across the street, and I hang back, but Logan notices, and hangs back to silently walk with me. Smiling my thanks at him - for walking with me, and that he isn't speaking on the topic. Logan nods with a smile in response.

Entering the building, I am hit with the sweetest smell I have ever had the pleasure of inhaling. The scent is a combination of caramel sauce and fresh blueberries.

"Do you smell fresh blueberries and caramel sauce?" I murmur to Logan in awe while inhaling the intoxicating scent.

Before he can answer, a deep voice growls; "Mate."

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