Chapter 4

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By 11:50 a.m., I am back home from grocery shopping, and I have also showered, styled my hair, placed deodorant and body spray on. Then it hits me as I leave my bedroom toward the kitchen that I have no idea if Cole knows where I live since I never told him.

"Larkin, I can feel the stress rolling off you in waves," Logan worriedly says as I step into the kitchen.

Frowning up at him, I shake my head as I worriedly explain; "I do not know if Cole knows where we live. I never told him."

Logan frowns down at me while Jason and Jacob join us, and they are frowning at me, too. Chewing on my lip nervously as I murmur; "I am already messing up being his mate. If I were him, I would reject me."

"Knock that off," Jason firmly demands, but slightly in a caring way. "He knows where you live as it is his job to know where all current or future pack members live."

Shyly nodding at him with wide shocked eyes, and I know he is correct about his second statement as that is a common practice of most Alpha's.

"Now, you look handsome, and your man is here," Jacob says with a smirk, and now that I am paying attention, I can hear footsteps approaching the house.

There are three gentle knocks on the door, and I am nervous again as Logan gently pushes my right shoulder forward. Taking the hint, I make my way to the front door to answer it.

Opening the door, I gape at Cole, and he is dressed nicely in a pair of black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a dark blue v-neck sweater.

"Hello, little tiger," Cole greets warmly as he takes in my appearance and red cheeks. "You look handsome."

I shyly reply; "Thank you, Cole, and you look handsome, too."

I am wearing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a lavender colored sweater.

"Are you ready?" Cole asks while holding his right hand out toward me, palm upturned.

"Yes," I murmur while placing my left hand into his hand, and allow him to lead me from the house.

Waving at my brothers before shutting the door, they holler back a goodbye with Jason adding 'no sex on the first date!' Ugh.

I have a feeling my brothers will be teasing me about my dumbfounded expression at Cole's sexy appearance. As we arrive at his black, Chevy Silverado, the front door of the main house opens, and I know my parents are going to give Cole "the talk."

You known what "talk" I am talking about.

"Hold on a moment," daddy firmly states, and I let out a soft sigh as Cole and I turn around to face him and papi.

Starring at them while chanting a single phrase in my mind; 'Please don't embarrass me.'

"We understand and respect that you are our future Alpha, but don't you dare hurt our son," daddy states seriously, but respectfully. "He is a sweet and good boy."

"Don't worry, sirs, I have no intention of hurtingLarkin," Cole assures, yet seriously.

Daddy and papi stare silently at Cole for a second before nodding with papi saying; "That is all we ask of you. Now, go and have fun, but please, no sex on the first date."

"Papi," I groan as my entire body erupts in a heated blush.

Both of my parents grin at me with deep chuckle with daddy saying; "Calm down, Larkin, we know this won't happen. We have to voice it to make sure you both know."

"Can we please leave now?" I groan over at Cole with a small pout.

"Of course we can, my little tiger," he agrees with my parents telling us goodbye, and they head back inside the house as Cole leads me to the passenger door of his truck.

He sweetly opens the door for m, and lifts me into the seat of his lifted truck. He settled me into the seat with a smile as he gently kissed my left cheek gently which flares my face into another round of blushing.

"Thank you," I murmur as I lean forward to lightly peck him on his cheek before pulling back to duck my head forward in embarrassment.

"You are welcome, Larkin," he replies before shutting the door, and I buckle myself as Cole walks around the front of the truck, and climbs inside.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly as he drives down the driveway.

"I was thinking of heading to the next town to a pizza place that is owned by a pack member," he answers with a gentle smile. "It is the best pizza I have ever had."

"Yum! Pizza is one if the best foods ever," I cheer, a little louder than I normally speak in.

My eyes widen in shock at my outburst, and the volume of my voice. Cole briefly glances at me with a huge grin, and a soft chuckle before focusing on the road again.

"I like when you use your firm voice, my little tiger," he sincerely says. "If you would like, we can do something after lunch, too."

"Like what?" I ask intrigued - curious as to what he had in mind.

"Well, I was thinking we could play mini golf or laser tag, or we can do something else if you would like," he answers.

"Um, is there an art museum or museum around that we could visit?" I hopefully ask in a quiet voice.

Chewing on my lower lip while I wait for Cole to answer, and he does a minute later; "There is an art museum about two minutes from the restaurant. We can do the art museum after we eat."

"Thank you!" I cheer with a large grin as I dance in my seat.

Cole gives me a quick grin at my enthusiasm before we arrive at the restaurant, and we climb out of the truck, and head inside the brick building.

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