Chapter 7

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Last night when I went to bed, Laria and Jordan came into the house much to my surprise. Come to find out, Jacob, Logan, and Jason knew they were coming over, and the five of them insisted we are having a sleep over in the living room. Laria and Jordan brought over their own pillows, three blankets each, and the rest of us grab our pillows and blankets to lie these on the living room floor.

We watched two movies, eat snacks, and talk until 2 a.m. before deciding to sleep. I had told Cole through text what my siblings and I are doing, and he responds by telling me to have fun along with a kissy face emoji. I had instantly blushed as I send back a 'good night' and a heart eye emoji.

This morning when I woke, it was by the sun streaming onto my eyes from the window. Softly groaning as I stretch my body out, trying to remove the kinks. Grabbing my phone from the seat of the couch above my head, I check the time which is 7:13 a.m.

Ugh, why am I up this early on a Sunday morning?

Before dropping my phone back onto the couch, it vibrates with a new text message. Frowning, I open the app on the home screen with my left thumb print to find the text is from Cole.

Instantly grinning as I read his text; "Good morning, my little mate. Hope you slept well, and had a good time with your siblings? Message me when you are awake, please. I am excited to see you again! When would you like to hang?"

Eagerly texting him back, reading over the text before sending it; "Morning, Cole! Why are you up so early? I slept well, did you? Last night was fun, and I hope next time, you will join us! I am excited to see you, too! Um, can we hang today at 11a.m.?"

"I slept good, but I missed my little tiger," he replies m causing me to blush. "I am up early to train and patrol. I wouldn't want to impose on the Vance sibling sleep over. I will be there then to pick you up."

"Yeah! You wouldn't be imposing, I promise! Should I dress a certain way?" I reply with a fond smile at my considerate mate.

"Who are you talking to, Lar?" Jordan asks from my feet.

Snapping my eyes to his over my phone to see him sleepy blinking at me; "Cole."

Jordan hums as he rubs his eyes, asking; "What is it like having a mate?"

"It's a constant warm body tingle when they touch you," I murmur with a starry eyed expression. "They make you feel warm, safe and loved. That is all I know at the moment since Cole and I just met."

Jordan thoughtfully hums as Cole sends another text; "Wear comfy clothes as we are going to play soccer with anyone who wants to at the pack house."

"Okay, that sounds fun, but know I suck at playing any sport," I send back before frowning at the idea of playing a sort, and making a fool of myself in front of people.

"What's wrong?" Jordan questions at my expression.

"Cole and I are hanging out at the pack house later this morning, and we are playing soccer with anyone who wants, too," I softly tell him.

"Um, is that a good idea with your healing ribs and wrist?" he asks with his own frown which makes me frown deeper as I didn't think of that.

"I didn't think of that, I'm going to tell him," I say as I text Cole this.

Once I send the text, I climb to my feet as I leave my phone on the couch to head to the bathroom to empty my bursting bladder. After using the toilet, flushing and washing my hands, I brush my teeth and hair before leaving the bathroom. When I enter the living room, I find everyone else awake, and Jordan tosses me my phone, and I find a new message from Cole.

"On my gosh! I am so sorry I forgot, little mate! I am a horrible mate to you! I promise I will work on this!"

Frowning at his text, I did not mean for him to feel guilty about any of this.

"I am sorry, too, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty, or anything like that. I just don't think it is a good idea for me to be running around until my ribs are fully healed. You are not a horrible mate!" I send back, hoping he believes me.

Cole doesn't answer right away, so he either became busy, or he doesn't agree with my last statement, and is trying to figure out how to answer me.

"Who wants breakfast?" papi asks excitedly ad he and daddy enter the house with large covered containers, and huge smiles.

We eat the breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and, bacon around the living room as we laugh, and enjoy each other's company. By 11 a.m., I am dressed in comfy clothes after showering, brushing my teeth and hair, and Cole arrives on time.

"Morning, Cole," I happily murmur as I open the front door for him while checking him out from head to toe. "You look nice and comfy."

A deep blush coats my cheeks as Cole cheeks me out, too as he has a sexy smirk on his lips; "Morning Larkin. You look good, too."

"Hello Cole," papi greets warmly as he walks up behind me, and Cole politely greets papi. "Would you like some breakfast before you and Larkin head to the pack house?"

"No, thank you, sir, I ate earlier this morning," Cole politely replies, and I love how polite he is.

"Oh, I love how polite you are," papi coos, and I softly groan at papi's tone toward the future Alpha, and my mate.

"Hush you," papi giggles at my groan.

Damn, I didn't expect him to hear my groan, and he proceeds to remind me that he is serous about his comment.

"I know you do, papi," I assure him with a light smile as I turn to face him. "We are going to leave now, okay?"

My entire family shows at the pack house a half an hour after Cole and I do.

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