Chapter 11

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Cole stares at Macey in absolute shock and anger while she twirls a piece of her straight brown hair around her right pointer finger while trying to be sexy as she bites her lip.

"What.The.Fuck.Is.Wrong.With.You?" Cole deeply growls with fire snapping in his beautiful eyes as he stares angrily at her.

Macey instantly pouts at him while walking toward my livid mate,  completely ignoring the fact Tommy and I are in the room. She reaches the end of the desk, popping her right hip outwards, lying her hands flat on the desk as she leans toward Cole.

She tries to give Cole a sexy smirk, but she just looks constipated; "I am just hoping we can, you know, fuck again? Now, since I am extremely horny."

A couple of tears slip down my cheeks as I silently stand, fetch a wide eyed Tommy before walking us to the door before looking back at an angry Cole; "Fix this before I fix it."

Exiting the room, I take us to the Alpha section upstairs with a still quiet Tommy. I need to take a moment in order to calm before I shifted to rip her apart. Plus I don't want to freak out Tommy any more than he might be. Stepping into the kitchen, I grab a water bottle for me, and a sippy cup of milk for Tommy.

"How about we play with your toys until dinner  is done?" I ask Tommy cheerfully while bouncing him lightly on my hip.

Cole's P.O.V.

"That isn't happening; and you damn well know this!" I roar, my entire body shaking in rage as I try to contain my wolf from emerging.

Macey's pout deepens as she bats her eye lashes at me; "But baby, we could have so much fun! Then you will know that the stupid Tiger isn't your actual mate, and that I am! You should just reject him already, and make me your mate and Luna! Please, baby?"

I am off my chair in less than a second to grip her loosely around the throat; "None of that is fucking happening! You have two options that I am going to offer you. If you do not choose within two meets, I will choose for you."

When she doesn't respond, I tighten my grip slightly as causing her to lowly whimper with a weak; "Yes, Alpha."

Loosening my grip slightly, I give her the options; "One - you may remain in the pack, but you may not speak ever again, and avoid Larkin, me, or any child we have. Two - you will be banished from this pack, never to be allowed back, or have contact with anyone from this pack for as long as you live. Now, choose."

She swallows thickly as she stares wide eyed at me for a moment; "I pick option number two."

"Good choice," I growl as I let go of her while minding linking Garret to fetch Macey from my office before speaking to Macey again. "You have five minutes to pack your belongings."

Garret arrives then, and I inform him of her time limit to pack,  and that I want him and a pack warrior to escort her off the pack land.

Garret assures me this will happen before he roughly pulls Macey from my office, and I mind link the entire pack that there will be a pack meeting in fifteen minutes.

"Now I need smooth my angry mate," I think to myself.

Now, before anyone gets upset or anything with me, he has every right to be angry, or however he is about this situation.

Leaving my office, I head to our floor to find my mate and our son. I find them in Tommy's bedroom where they are playing with Tommy's toys.

"Hey," I murmur while sitting on my bum next to Larkin. "She is leaving the pack now."

Larkin hums as Tommy hands him his empty sippy cup. Holding in my sigh while silently studying Larkin's profile - he is beautiful as he always is.

"I never had sex with her, baby," I whisper since I do not want Tommy to hear the word sex, and ask what it is.

Larkin shrugs as he glances at me to study my face intently before saying; "It doesn't matter if had. I can't, and I am not mad if you had partners in the past. I know she said that to try and upset me."

"That is all she was trying to do, baby," I softly try to assure him as Tommy hands me a Barbie with a wide, toothy grin. Smiling gratefully at him as I take it from him to play with them.

We spend five more minutes playing before heading outside to the backyard for the pack meeting. I then inform the pack that Macey had been banned from the pack, and why. I also tell them that if anyone else agreed with her hatred toward my mate or son, then they are free to leave as well. Two people choose to leave, too- April and her mate.

After the meeting finished twenty minutes later, my mate, our son, and I have dinner together, watch a movie of Tommy's choice, he has a snack and a bath, and then he went to bed two hours before my sexy little mate and me. He and I spent most of that time making love, and it was amazing as usual.

I love being Alpha, but there are times, and will be times that I hate it, too. Healthy balance I guess.

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