Chapter 10

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The ceremony was extremely quick and painless, and I am now mingling with the pack members. I feel as if I am being watched while I speak with several of the older members, and I try to discreetly scan everyone from under my hair. When I land on Macey, I find her glaring intently at me, and I instantly frown.

Jerez, this girl needs to get a damn life.

"Alfa Larkin?" Tommy, a child of 3-years-old says; he is a monkey shifter, and he is one of the few orphans that the entire pack care for.

Kneeling down onto my right knee with a gentle smile at him; "Yes, Tommy?"

"I towed," he mumbles cutely while yawing as he pulls his wolf stuffie closer to his little body.

Spreading my arms widely; "Come here, buddy."

He steps into my hold eagerly, I gently hold him to me as I stand. He lies his head on my shoulder, tucking his stuffie and his arms in between our bodies as he tucks his face into my scent glad. He pulls his left arm free to suck his thumb.

"Alpha, I will take him from you," a female Bear Omeaga states, coming over to us with her hands out toward us.

Tommy snuggles deeper into me with a small whine as I politely tell her; "Thanks, but he is okay where he is. When he falls asleep, I will place him in his bed."

"But Alpha Larkin," she starts to insist before Cole booming voice states; "Alpha Larkin said they are fine, April.

April gives Cole a silent nod before throwing a glare at me before walking away.

"Thanks," I murmur when I notice Tommy's breathing evening out in sleep. "Why did she seem like she doesn't want me to have Tommy with me?"

Cole shrugs his shoulder with a frown as he watches April walk away; "I am not sure, love."

I nod silently by his answer and her behavior.

Cole looks back at me to curiously ask; "I am curious if you would like for us to adopt Tommy?"

My jaw drops in shock for a second before grinning broadly at him as I whisper-yell; "Yes, as soon as we possibly can!"

Cole grins at me broadly; "Perfect! I will have the pack attorney, Miles get on this first thing in the morning. This will take some time before it is finished, though."

Eagerly nodding at him as I gently cuddle Tommy closer; "Yeah, I understand that! Thank you so much, Cole!"

Cole walks closer to us to stand directly in front of us to kiss us both - Tommy on the top of his head, and me on the lips; "You're very welcome, my little tiger."

A week later, the adoption has been finalized despite my thoughts of the process taking longer. Tommy has been living with us the entire time on the Alpha floor. Tommy has taken very well to the whole new situation.

"Papa, I hungwy," Tommy cutely requests as he lightly taps me on the left thigh as I prepare dinner for him, Cole and me.

Picking him up with a smile as I place him on my right hip; "What would you like, little man?"

"Um, nana, please?" he sweetly requests with a hopeful smile as I make our way over to the counter where the bananas are kept.

Taking one off the counter, I sit Tommy on his booster seat before peeling and cutting his nana into small bite sized pieces. Handing him his blue plastic plate that he choose at the store with the mama, he takes it happily as I pour him some milk before sitting down next to him.

"Tanks, papa," Tommy grins as I sit next to him.

Yes, he already calls me "papa" and Cole "daddy". This was by Tommy's choice, not ours, and we couldn't have been happier that he is this comfortable with us like he is.

"Hello my boys!" Cole warmly greets as we enters our side of the floor as Tommy finishes his snack.

"We are doing good," I answer for Tommy and I while Cole takes Tommy from the booster to give him a cuddle.

Giving my mate a kiss, I mumble against his lips; "How are you?"

"Tired, but glad to be here with my babies," he says around a yawn that he hides behind his right hand.

Anything I can help you with?" I gently ask as I take Tommy from my mate upon Tommy's request.

"Really?" he happily asks, and when I nod he continues. "Could you possibly do the financial reports? I hate doing these."

Nodding, the three of us head back to his office downstairs for me to work on these. Cole sits at his seat behind the desk after moving a chair around to his side, so we can sit next to each other while we work together. Placing Tommy on his feet, I suggest that he should play with the toys that Cole had in the room for him.

Tommy loudly giggles as he rushes obey go the toys, grabbing what he wants before plopping onto his bum to play. Grabbing the financial information off the desk, I give Cole a kiss on the lips before sitting down.

"Thank you, love," he shyly remarks with a soft smile as I set to work.

When I am almost finished with my task, there is a light knock on the closed door causing the three of us to look at the door as Cole calls out for the person to enter.

Macey, the female wolf who hates me enters the room with an exaggerated swing of her hips. What pisses me off even more than this, is how she is fucking dressed in a pair of fish net stockings, black thigh high boots, black leather mini skirt, and a tight, blood red corset. The corset looks tight enough that I swear her breasts are going to pop out, and her skirt barely covers her ass cheeks.

"Hey baby, are you ready to have some fun with me? I came like you asked me, too," she tries to seductively ask.

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