Chapter 5

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Entering the building, I am impressed and awed with the interior design - the walls are painted a light tan color and pictures lining the walls, the tables are square shaped with two or four chairs along with checkered red and white table clothes, and a flickering candle nestled inside a clear holder in the middle of the table.

"This place is beautiful," I murmur in awe, and I am afraid if I speak any louder, I will break the magic of the moment.

"I absolutely agree that it is," Cole lightly agrees as we are shown to a table for two by an older gentleman with a gentle smile.

"Harper will be here in a moment to personally take care of you gentlemen," the man kindly says in a deep raspy voice as he leaves us with two menus on the table.

"Harper is the pack member who owns this place," Cole explains as the man walks away, and I nod in acknowledgment ask I take in the photos in the wall nearest us.

"Hello, Alpha Cole," a light, feathery voice says from my right, and we look at the person who I am assuming is Harper. "Who is this cutie?"

My face instantly burns in embarrassment as Cole answers me; "This is my mate, Larkin Vance. He and his family are becoming members tonight."

"Welcome to the pack, Alpha Larkin, and your family," she warmly says with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Miss," I whisper as my blush deepens at her rapt attention.

Cole orders for us after I tell him that I will eat anything on the pizza except anchovies, and then Harper leaves once she has promised to return shortly with our drinks.

"Would you like to play twenty questions while we are here?" Cole suggests as he reaches across the table with his left hand to hold my right hand, and I nod in agreement.

"Cool. What is your favorite color?" he asks with a lazy smile.

"Please don't laugh, but it is purple," I reply, then bite my lower lip as I wait for him to start laughing at me.

"Purple is a beautiful color, and I will never laugh at you," Cole answers which surprises me, and he sounds serious.

"Thanks," I murmur with tinted cheeks and a shy smile. "What is your favorite color?"

"My new favorite color is pale blue, just like the shade of your eyes," he replies, causing me to look at him in surprise, and he is smiling almost shyly at me. "Now, what is your favorite hobby?"

Instantly smiling at him, I can't keep the blush from deepening or the joy from my voice; "Reading and writing at my favorite hobbies."

Cole smiles brightly at me, but before he can ask about either of my hobbies, I ask him the same question; "When I have free time, I enjoy drawing. What do you enjoy reading and writing?"

"I'm, I will read just about anything, but I really enjoy reading paranormal romance," I shyly admit quietly. "Um, I typically write boyxboy short stories."

"That is awesome, my little tiger," he praises with a fond smile, and my blush intensives by ten.

"Thank you, Cole," I whisper, and I have a small smile on my lips. "What do you like to draw?"

"I like to draw everything, even though if I have a hard time drawing certain items," he replies with a slight blush upon his cheeks which I find adorable.

"Summer and autumn are my favorite seasons," I shyly answer. "I like the heat of summer, and the changing of the leaves in autumn. What is yours?"

Cole grins as he places two slices of pizza onto a plate after Harper places the pizza on top of the table with a smile and a soft 'enjoy" before she leaves us alone again. Cole hands me the plate with a wink as I take it from him.

"Summer, I like the heat, too," he answers before asking another query. "Do you have a favorite superhero?"

He takes another two slices off the pan for himself, and we begin eating as I softly admit; "No, I don't. I have never watched any superhero movies."

He stops mid chew to silently stare at me with wide eyes, so I quickly explain; "I am overwhelmed with how many of these movies are. I don't know where to start."

Cole slowly nods in understanding as I curiously ask; "Do you have a favorite superhero?"

He nods as he swallows his bite to answer; "Yes, I do. I have two actually, Superman and Wolverine. Okay, so one weekend soon, we are going to have a movie marathon of the Superman movies along with the X-Men and Wolverine movies, and then we will go from there."

Nodding enthusiastically in agreement with pink cheeks; "I would really like that."

We continue our questions and answers while we eating, and then Cole pays the bill despite my protests on paying my share. He stops my protest by telling me that he asked me on this date, so he pays. I am keeping that information in the back of my mind for future use on when I ask him on a date.

Wandering through the art museum, I think Cole is enjoying himself, but I am not one hundred percent positive though.

At the end of the museum, I timidly ask him; "Did you enjoy this?"

"Yes, I did, little tiger," he assures with a bright smile as he gently caresses my cheek with the tips of his warm fingers. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Nodding eagerly as we leave the building toward Cole's truck; "Yes! Thank you for letting
us come here!"

"You are very welcome, Larkin," he grins as he pulls me gently into his side with a gentle squeeze on the hip. "We should probably head back now, so we can prepare for the ceremony."

Pouting lightly since I know he is right, but I don't want our date to come to an end. Also, I know if we are not back well before the ceremony, my parents will be upset with Cole and I, and I am sure his parents would be upset, too.

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