Chapter 9

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We have been here for a month now, and we have started school a week ago, and Cole has convinced me to be at the pack house everyday after school, and all day on the weekends. I will admit  that many who were against me being Cole's mate have become friendlier towards me but the lady. Cole urged them to read up on Shifter history, but the lady who spoke against me still hates me. Her name is Macey, an Elephant Shifter, and she has always flirted with my mate in hopes of being the Luna.

Cole is becoming the Alpha in three days, and I am becoming the second Alpha/Luna, too. We are mating tomorrow night during the full moon. I am terrified of screwing up my role, and embarrassing Cole. I have been receiving lessons from Luna Katie, and I have also been training with Cole. Man, training has been kicking my ass, but I am slowly getting better.

Now, I am nervous about mating with Cole than becoming second Alpha/Luna. The only reason is because I am scared of much the initial penetration is going to hurt. I am not scared of becoming one with Cole.

"Little tiger, where are you?" Cole calls from the entrance of our side of the floor.

I am sitting on the floor of our bedroom doing homework for my college psychology class; "I am in our bedroom!"

A few seconds later, Cole entry's the room, and the instant his scent hits me, my mouth begins to salvage, and I instantly feel hot all over. Whimpering at the feeling, Cole falters mid-step with a deep scowl on his face.

"What is wrong, Larkin?" he worriedly asks as he kneels down in front of me as his eyes search my face.

"I feel hot all over, and your scent is making me  salvage," I whine as my body starts to lightly shake as fire licks through my entire body.

I have no idea what is wrong with me, and I hope Cole knows what is happening.

"Have you ever had your heat before?" he gently asks while lightly runs the tips of his fingers over my skin, easing some of the pain, until he removes his fingers.

"No, I haven't," I whimper until he immediately touches my bare skin again. "Make it go away, please!"

"I can make it go away in two ways -  we mate now until your heat is finished, or we just jerk each other off . Which do you want, baby, but remember if we fully mate, you probably will become pregnant," Cole answers as we stare intently at each other.

"Sex, please," I moan as another burst of heat courses through my body since Cole had removed his hands from my body to place my college stuff on top of the dresser.

"Okay, my little tiger, then that is what we will do," he promises softly as he helps me stand on my jelly legs, and he leads me over to the edge of the bed.

Cole quickly undressed himself, and then me before gently lying me on my side to lie down facing me. Cole rubs his hands over mu body while I do the same to him.

Three days later, my heat has finished, and the coronation ceremony is taking place this evening with a bonfire and dinner afterwards. I am sorry for not sharing the steamy details of my heat, but I feel that is something special and private between Cole and I.

This morning when my heat finally ended, Cole and I were fully mated with our mate marks, and our bond fully intact. My body has been achy and sore, but in wonderful way.

The ceremony starts in an hour, so Cole and I are in our room to dress in nice clothing after showering, and brushing our teeth and hair.

Dropping the white towel that I have wrapped tightly around my thin waist, I jump when Cole plasters his muscular front against my back while wrapping his arms around my waist. His warm, minty breath softly hits my neck under my ear as he lightly kisses.

"You better stop, or we are going to be late," I softly moan as he nips the skin while his grip tightens softly on my hips.

"We are so finishing this tonight," he groans just before nipping at my earlobe, and pulls another low moan from me.

He abruptly takes several steps back, earning a glare from me as I turn to face him; "You are mean for starting something you know we cannot finish."

He smirks at me over his left shoulder with a wink as he bends over to pull on a pair of red boxer briefs up his muscular legs with a slight wiggle of his hips.

"You, my dear mate are a damn tease," I giggle as lust rips through my blood straight down to my growing member.

Cole lowly chuckles as he straightens to grab his folded pants off the edge of the bed to slide these on with the same damn wiggle. He turns to sit on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks and then Doc Marten's. Once he has finished this, he stands to shrug on his black button-up shirt as I stand still in the same spot, motionless in my birthday suit.

"You should get dressed, my little mate since we don't have time to delay," he smirks as he finishes buttoning his shirt with his smirk in place still.

Huffing at him, I grab a pair of lace, baby blue colored satin panties to pull up my thin legs. Grabbing my black leggings, I bend at the waist to slip these up my legs to my hips. I wiggle my hips at Cole while standing upright, and I can't help the large grin. Taking my black, long sleeve pullover off the hanger and pull it over my head, and place my arms through the holes when Cole grips my hips, and thrusts his large erection into my ass.

Biting my lip to hold in my moan while thrusting my ass back into him with a slight figure-eight motion. Coke nips nips my mating mark, finally making me release the moan I have been holding back.

We are broken from our little bubble when there is a loud knock on our closed bedroom door. Cole let's out a deep growl of frustration as he moves back from me as I softly whimper.

Cole stalks over to the door, throwing it open with a deep scowl as he grits out; "What?"

"Sorry Cole, but Alpha Cameron says the ceremony starts in thirty minutes," future Gamma Garret regretful voice fills the air.

I blush as Cole apologizes to Garret, and tells him we are right behind him.

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