The Second Note

793 54 2

Dear Seonghwa,
You wore the shirt today! Was it because I told you I liked it on you? ;) Ah, I shouldn't get my hopes up, should I? You know..if you don't like these notes you can just write me back and I'll stop. If you do like them I can start giving you hints as to who I am! I'd never tell you who I was directly, I honestly don't want you to find out. Anyways, I love the new hair! The pink was so cute, but the black makes you even hotter than you already were. I really, really like it. Should I dye mine red or blue? I can't decide. I'll do whatever you pick. Maybe you'll find out who I am if I do that? Probably not, maybe you don't even know I exist. Anyways, have a good day Seongie<33.


Word Count: 145

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