The Seventh Note

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Dear K.H,
It's been nearly a week...I miss your notes so much. You might not see this, since you probably don't check my locker anymore. I really don't want you to stop, I take it back. Please write to me again.


Dear K.H,
It's now been two weeks, I really miss you. You made me feel good with your notes, I felt like someone cared for me, truly. I hope you're doing okay, and I hope you see this some day.
-Your Seongie


Dear K.H,
A month...maybe you'll never check my locker again. I hope you do one day. I really miss you. I'm becoming sad without you. My friends are starting to notice my change in mood. They said they're worried for me. It's almost like you were my light out of the darkness, and now that the light is gone...i'm going back into it..


Word Count: 151

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