The Eleventh Note

784 46 12

( make me feel like eleven.)

Dear K.H,
I talked to Wooyoung. You lied. Why would you lie? I really really want to know who you actually are. ...I think I'm falling for you. I don't know who you are but I'm still falling. Crazy how love works, right? Also, you might not see gave me your number in the last letter, but you seemed to have blocked me so I had to resort to writing you another note. Anyways, I hope you'll tell me who you are soon.


Dear Seonghwa,
I guess it is time to reveal myself, isn't it? I'm sorry I lied..I'm so afraid you won't like me. I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and hope for the best. Sit with me at lunch today, me and Yeosang eat on the roof. He's not here today so it'll just be us. It's time for you to know who I am...


Word Count: 161
This book will end soon, maybe chapter 15?

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