The Tenth Note

810 45 13

I read the note Seonghwa had left me and almost passed out. That's me... Seonghwa thinks I'm cute. I smiled happily and turned to my friend. "Yeosang! Guess what! Seonghwa thinks I'm cute!" I giggled. Yeosang rolled his eyes. "You didn't notice him staring you down in biology? I could even feel his eyes and I'm not even you." I blushed..he was staring at me?


Dear Seonghwa,
Do you really like this boy? If you do..maybe I could help you with him. I know him. I should reveal myself soon, shouldn't I? Maybe for now you can have this. ***-***-*** ;)


The second I saw the number on the note, I pulled my phone out.

Hey! I'm so happy you gave me your number! Now I can talk to you whenever I want.

Maybe I should reveal myself now, hm?

Want to change contact name to: K.H♡︎
Yes or No
Contact changed!
Yes! I really need to know K.H♡︎
How about a selfie for a selfie? :)



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You never fail to amaze me!

This is me!I'm sorry for lying|I'm sorry fo|I'm sor|Is it what you expected?                                                                    Seonghwa                               You're Jung Wooyoung?        So you did lie

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This is me!
I'm sorry for lying|
I'm sorry fo|
I'm sor|
Is it what you expected?

You're Jung Wooyoung?
So you did never dyedyour                                                    hair red:(
Read at 4:43 pm

I don't really like this chapter :(
Word Count: 218

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