The Third Note

832 54 5

Dear K.H
Please don't stop the notes. I like them. I want to know who you are...I'll take the hints. Also, I pick red. I'm sure you'd look cute with it, whoever you are.
-Your Seongie


I waited for the bell to ring. I had free period when Seonghwa had class. That's when I'd put the notes in his locker. The hallway cleared, no one in sight. I went to his locker and held my breath when I saw a note. What if he tells me I'm creepy and he wants me to stop? I thought of every possible bad thing he could say and then opened the note. I was pleasantly surprised. I smiled and put the note in my pocket. I'd dye my hair red tonight, maybe he'll notice me. Then again, I don't want him to notice me.. I shook my head to stop the bad thoughts, and wrote a note.


Dear Seonghwa,
Kind of nervous about dying my hair..what if you find out who I am before I'm ready? Who am I kidding? I'll never be ready for you to find out. You'll be so disappointed. You probably think I'm some beautiful girl, huh? What if I told you I was a boy? Would that change your perspective on the notes? Would that make you want me to stop? Would it ruin everything? Anyways...the hints have started ;). Can you figure it out?


Word Count: 239

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