The Fourth Note

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Dear K.H,
I don't care if you're a boy or a girl. I don't even care what you look like. It's your personality I care about. Did you actually dye your hair red? I didn't see anyone with red hair today... Maybe you aren't in any of my classes? Are you even in my grade? Also, I couldn't find any hints in the last note:(. Did you lie? I doubt it, I don't think you'd lie to me. At least I hope not. <33
-Your Seongie


I haven't been at school for a week. I don't even want to get out of bed. My depression has been progressively getting worse and worse. I really want to get back to school to see Seonghwa. He always made me feel better..even though I never physically talked to him. I sighed, getting out of bed and getting ready for school. You're really my only reason for living, Park Seonghwa.


Dear Seonghwa,
I am sorry I didn't leave you any notes last week. I wasn't at school. How was last week? Did anything interesting happen while I was gone? Oh, and to answer your questions...I did dye my hair, I am actually in all of your classes but one, and no, I did not lie. There is a hint in this note too, but it won't make sense just yet. ;)


Word Count: 230

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