The Twelfth Note

691 45 9

Twelfth is a weird looking word.


Dear Seongie<33,
I don't know why I'm writing this note, since you know who I am and we've been on a date. I don't want the notes to end. I enjoy writing them to you. I'll keep them going. I guess I'll dedicate this one to how good you look today. You look so fucking good today Park Seonghwa. Well, you look that good everyday. There's something about you today that seems different...maybe your more confident? Maybe it's the way you parted your hair differently? Maybe the shirt? I'm not sure. All I know is you should do whatever it is more often.


I read the note and laughed, turning to Hongjoong. "You realize you can literally just talk to me face to face now, right?" He giggled, that beautiful giggle that came straight from heaven. "Yea, I know..but I can't say everything I want to say to your face. Like, there's no way I could say that to your face." "Hm, why not?" He sighed, "Cause it's embarrassing. I'm not just gonna go..'Hey Seonghwa, you look so fucking good today.'" I laughed, "But you just did." He rolled his eyes and walked away. At least he's being himself around me now.


Word Count: 214
Only one more chapter.

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