The Fifth Note

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"Hey Hwa," San said, walking up to my locker. I was so occupied in reading the note that I didn't even hear him. "Earth to Seonghwa~" I saw a hand waving in front of my face and that's when I noticed he was there. "Ah, sorry. He said there was another hint in this one..but I can't seem to find it." San sighed. "Let me see it." I handed him the note. "Maybe you were right, they're just a joke. Maybe he lied and there is no hint." I sighed, frowning. I really hope not...


                                Dear K.H,
Are you fucking with me? I'm not sure if I believe the things you say to me. What if this is some cruel joke? What if when I find out who you are, you just laugh in my face and I get humiliated? What if it's not a joke and you do actually mean what you say? do you actually like me? Maybe we should stop writing to each other...


Word Count: 168

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