The Eighth Note

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Dear Seonghwa,
It's been awhile, hasn't it? Nearly two months? I'm sorry it took so long for me to write back to you. I wasn't at school much these past couple months. I mean, here and there I'd show up. I  decided to check your locker hopes of finding something. To my surprise, I did. I can reassure you that I haven't lied to you once in any of these notes. I think I'll reveal myself soon, since there wasn't a hint in the last note and there won't be one in this one. Do you even want to know who I am anymore? Anyways, I want to explain myself and why I haven't been at school...but I can't since you'll know who I am soon. I don't want you to pity me. Oh and you look amazing today. Thought I'd throw in a compliment. The pants you had on looked nice, and they looked good with your new hair. You must've changed it this week. I have to say I really like the...blonde? Brown? Grey? Maybe..dirty blonde? I'm not quite sure what to call that color..maybe I'll name it Seonghwa. Yea. I like that.


Word Count: 202

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