Chapter 2 - New Found Feelings

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The trio decided to split up to explore Route 4. Considering they would be going for their first Gym Badge of the Kalos Region most likely tomorrow, they needed to know how their new starter pokémon battled best.

Kyra let Fennekin out when it was just her and Lucario again, she grabbed a few twigs that had fallen from the trees and she knelt down.

"Professor Sycamore said you liked to snack on twigs, do any of these take your fancy?" Kyra asked, putting our her hand with the sticks in.

Fennekin sniffed each stick and she picked one out, it was the perfect flavour. "Aww, thank you. This is so good."

Once Fennekin had eaten her twig, she was ready to apart training. Currently she knew Scratch, Tail Whip, and Ember.

"Lucario, do you mind setting up some targets for me please? Although Fennekin also knows Scratch and Tail Whip, it's best to get some more practice in with Ember since Fennekin have a naturally higher Special Attack than Physical Attack," Kyra asked, knowing it was best to practice Ember most.

Fennekin was happy enough with the plan since she was fairly used to using Scratch on Chespin when he annoyed her back in Professor Sycamore's Lab, and she used Tail Whip a fair few times when Froakie would jokingly throw his frubbles at her. Ember on the other hand, she had never really used it, so training with Kyra would help her a lot.

Lucario was quick to set up the targets, since Ember was a Fire Type attack, she used rocks as targets rather than wood. Fennekin was curious as to how the targets would help, but she was willing to listen.

"Lucario will show you the basics of what this little practice is first. I use target training quite a bit, I find it helps not only power, but accuracy too, especially with varying sizes as Lucario has set up for us," Kyra explained, nodding at Lucario.

Lucario formed and sent an Aura Sphere towards the target she had set up a little away from the rest - she had guessed Kyra would want her to show off a little demonstration first.

Fennekin was amazed by how strong Lucario was, the stone had broken with ease. "That was awesome! Do you think I'll be as powerful as that someday?" she asked hopefully.

Kyra smiled, "If you work hard and put your trust in me and our future team members, you'll definitely be able to reach Lucario's kind of strength."

Fennekin nodded and she began sending Embers towards the stones. It was a bit of a struggle forming powerful Embers at first since she was so new to the attack, yet Fennekin refused to give up and she soon grew much more confident. She was thoroughly enjoying the training, enjoying it even more when she managed to break her first stone.

"I actually did it!" she exclaimed, practically jumping for joy.

Kyra grabbed another one of the twigs Fennekin liked best and she gave it to her as a reward. Fennekin gently took it again and snacked on it whilst Kyra asked Lucario to find some more for the future. Lucario guessed that Kyra wanted to talk to Fennekin whilst she snacked, so she went to grab the sticks.

"That Ember was really powerful Fennekin, it's really coming along well. Do you think you're ready to move onto the pebbles after you finished your stick?" Kyra praised, stroking Fennekin's head whilst she ate.

Fennekin nodded, "I might try and see how quickly I can break another stone first if that's OK, then I'll move onto the pebbles. This is really fun by the way, I love travelling with you already," she replied.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, when we get more team members we'll have even more fun. Feel free to ask Lucario about any training we've done in the past at dinner later, I'm sure she'd love to answer any questions you have," Kyra said, pleased to Fennekin so happy.

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