Chapter 35 - Lies vs Reality

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"Oi, what do you think you're doing 'ere?!" one of the Team Flare Grunts snapped ad they saw the trio.

Kyra didn't want to run the risk of the Grunt revealing she was Lysandre's daughter so she had Nate and Willow go inside and take on anyone there. Lucario didn't mind helping Kyra out, she was up for another battle or two.

"Swalot, stop those two," the Grunt said, sending out his Swalot to try and stop Kyra and Lucario from taking him on.

Lucario growled and formed a Bone Rush.

"Swalot, use Sludge Bomb!"

Lucario saw the oncoming attack and she blocked it with Bone Rush, flinging it away.

"That's not fair!" the Grunt complained.

Kyra laughed, "It wouldn't have done anything to a Steel Type like Lucario anyway."

"Ugh, why do you have to be such a pain?! Considering you're our boss' daughter, you should be helping us," the Grunt commented.

Kyra sighed, "Use Bone Rush."

Lucario knew that Kyra hated being related to who she knew Lysandre as now, she growled and managed to take out Swalot with just a few hits from Bone Rush.

The Grunt groaned, fed up with Kyra stopping him. "This is the third time now, you're so insufferable!"

"You're just weak and too prideful too admit it," Kyra replied, letting her temper get the better of her slightly.

The Grunt nodded, "That may be true, but even you won't be able to handle being surrounded."

More Grunts spilled out from the Pokéball Factory, leaving Kyra and Lucario completely surrounded. One on twelve they didn't stand much of a chance, but six of twelve they did.

Kyra sent out the rest of her pokémon, angering the Grunts.

"That's not fair! You're using six pokémon whilst we're only using one each!" one complained.

Kyra shrugged, "I think your twelve verses my six is pretty fair. You won't get very far, but you have double the pokémon combined than I do. I suggest you stop complaining and start fighting back."

Looking at her team, Kyra wasn't too worried. Gallade and Lucario countered the Dark Types which were a threat to Delphox and Meowstic. Delphox and Meowstic countered the Fighting Types that Heliolisk, Absol, and Lucario were weak to. Lucario could take all the Poison Types. Absol was able to take on the Golbats with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt with Heliolisk helping her out too, and trapping any oppoents that came too close with a skillful Rock Tomb.

"She's too strong, no wonder boss told us to be careful and overwhelm her," one of the Grunts said, returning her Golbat to its pokéball after it had been defeated by Absol and Heliolisk's Thunderbolt.

Kyra's pokémon had naturally taken a fair amount of damage, but they were still able to battle by the time the Grunts had all been defeated. Kyra was proud of them all, they had done well to hold their own as well as they had done.

"Fall back, Malva will be here soon, she can take this pest on then," the seeming leader of the Grunts said.

Malva? Why would Malva help out Team Flare? She was helping to take them on from the inside, wasn't she?

"Didn't you know? She may be an Elite Four Member, but she helps us our right under their noses. She may be somewhat loyal to the League, but her true loyalties lie to Team Flare," another Grunt explained.

Kyra couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had Malva been getting her to take on Team Flare in the hope she'd get hurt so she would be out of the way? Malva had always seemed so genuine when asking for Kyra's help. Now that Kyra thought of it, Malva hadn't warned her that the Pokéball Factory was being taken over. Kyra didn't want to believe it, but it wasn't impossible that Malva hadn't warned Kyra so she'd be able to hurt her herself on her own terms.

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