Chapter 84 - Flaming Hurdle

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At last, Kyra had made it. She was finally battling Malva, and she couldn't wait. Lucario felt the same way, the excitement in her aura making Kyra even more psyched up for the battle.

"Houndoom and I have been waiting for you. This is the Blazing Chamber, the final hurdle before battling Diantha. But you know that I won't let you win that easily, even if you are my girlfriend to be," Malva welcomed, she too unable to wait much longer for the battle.

"I've been waiting for this battle for a long time, don't expect me to hold back for even a second. This is a rematch, and I WON'T be losing this time," Kyra replied, determined to prove herself.

Lucario and Houndoom made direct eye contact from across the field, they were close rivals just like their trainers.

"Good to know, you know I love a challenge. So let's get this battle underway. Pyroar, come on out," Malva said, sending out her Pyroar. She stayed sat down as she had agreed to, planning on only standing when it came down to the last face off, Mega on Mega.

Kyra knew she would have to take advantage of Malva's pokémon being dual typed, due to her having no set Type advantage. Her only super effective moves were Bone Rush on Lucario, and Rock Tomb on Heliolisk, so besides that, Kyra had to use other strategies to gain that vital edge. 

"Let's give them the battle they want. Come on out Gallade," Kyra replied.

Gallade, like the rest of Kyra's team, was ready. They had their plans in place, having watched every single one of Malva's battles that had been broadcasted, finding ways of attempting to slip up her clean cut strategies.

Both trainers knew that they would push each other to their absolute limits, neither one of them wanted to lose. 

"Pyroar, use Flamethrower," Malva called, making the first move. She knew that Kyra was too smart to make the first call. But either way, she had to keep in mind what she had planned. She had the knowledge it would take to defeat Kyra, but at the same time, Kyra did still have the knowledge of outsmarting it.

Flamethrower, just the call that Kyra had been expecting from the Normal and Fire Type. Although unlike Lysandre's, this Pyroar was a female. The two looked different enough for Kyra not to be fazed, at least if Malva's Pyroar did run Retaliate, it wouldn't hit anywhere near as hard as Lysandre's Pyroar's had done. The spiraling plume of flames, Kyra could see the strength just from where she was stood.

"Gallade, counter it with Psycho Cut," Kyra replied, she trusted Gallade's strength and knew that over powering the worst of Flamethrower was more than doable.

Gallade readied his scythe and sliced through the Flamethrower like it was nothing. 

Malva was surprised but impressed, it took a lot to handle a Flamethrower so easily. But of course, if anyone could do it, it would be Kyra.

"Now, get in close use Drain Punch," Kyra said, taking advantage of the few seconds she had to make her call.

Malva could see what Kyra was doing, and she wasn't going to let her get away with it so easily. Drain Punch would hit, and hard at that, so countering it with an attack that wouldn't stop the damage, but instead had the chance of hindering Gallade too, that was the best way to go. "Pyroar use Wild Charge!"

Gallade was already running across the field to land his attack, whilst Pyroar set up her attack. She surrounded herself in the yellow charge of electricity and ran to meet Gallade, gaining as much momentum as she could. Yes, Gallade's attack had the advantage, but Pyroar was determined to prove that it meant very little.

When the attacks collided, they dealt a lot of damage to both pokémon. Drain Punch's healing power had been negated by Pyroar pushing back with Wild Charge. A smart way of making a super effective healing move do less damage which Malva had come up with specifically for Gallade's Drain Punch.

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