Chapter 44 - Care

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Lysandre was worried by just how cold Kyra was. He didn't care how cold he got as long as he could protect Kyra, so he took his jacket off and put it around her.

"Is that better?" Lysandre asked.

Kyra nodded, sticking as close to Lysandre as she could.

Lysandre had Pyroar find some sticks and branches to light a fire. Since Kyra was so cold, she was struggling to stand, so it was best for her to lie down. That way she could be closer to the fire and shate Lysandre's warmth even easier.

"We're going to do what we did whenever there was a thunderstorm, alright? Once you've warmed up a bit, I'll take you back to Malva," Lysandre comforted.

Kyra knew that this was the best way she'd keep warm. Part of her wanted it since she wanted the closeness with Lysandre again, but the other part of her didn't since she didn't want to trust Lysandre until he agreed to stop with Team Flare.

"You won't leave me again, will you?" Kyra asked, scared of being abandoned by Lysandre again.

Lysandre shook his head, "No, not this time. I'm so sorry, truly I am. I'll explain when the time is right, but right now, neither of us need that stress."

Kyra began to cry, "I missed you. I was scared I'd never see you again."

"I did it for your own good Kyra, as I said, I'll talk about it to you when you're ready. Please, I just want to warm you up so you'll be safer," Lysandre replied, holding Kyra close.

Kyra knew she wasn't going to get the answers she wanted, so she just accepted Lysandre's closeness. She didn't know when she was going to get it next, she wanted to feel this comfort from Lysandre for as long as possible.

Pyroar walked back over and he sorted out the fire, lighting it with Fire Blast. He could see that Lysandre was more focused on Kyra right now, so he just settled himself by the fire and waited to be told what to do.

"I don't want to fight, I feel so mean. Please, stop with Team Flare, for my sake," Kyra begged, it was clear to her that Lysandre still cared, so surely he would listen to her.

Lysandre felt awful about his decision, but he just couldn't go back now. "I can't. I don't want to fight you either Kyra, but I can't stop. I'm already too far in."

Kyra would have just gotten up and left if she weren't still so cold, but Lysandre's jacket and the warmth from the fire were a comfort to her which she very much needed.

Lysandre could tell how upset Kyra was by what he had said. He wanted to make it up to her, but he didn't know how. He couldn't just say that he still cared for Kyra because he was helping her now, that would just seem like he didn't care. "I'll come home once I'm finished here, I promise."

Kyra just cried more, "You'll never come home then. You promised me you'd never leave me and you did! I hate you!"

She didn't care how cold she was or how weak she felt, the last person she wanted to be around right now was Lysandre. Kyra threw his jacket off and she got shakily back to her feet, turning to walk away.

Lysandre got up too, picking up his jacket and trying not to lose his temper. "Kyra! You're being silly. You can walk like this. Warm up, then you can continue your strop."

Kyra did the exact opposite and she made an attmept to walk, almost collapsing face first into the snow.

Lysandre had guessed what Kyra would try to do, so he had had Pyroar stop her from hurting herself. Pyroar brought Kyra back over to Lysandre, Kyra giving in and waiting to regain strength.

"See, it's not hard to listen to me, now is it?" Lysandre asked, using his jacket to warm Kyra up again.

Kyra refused to look at Lysandre, keeping her back to him. "Yeah well maybe you should try listening for once."

Lysandre sighed, "I'll listen to you when you stop being foolish and getting in my way. Let me have that then I can come home and everything can go back to what it was."

"I don't want that! If you go ahead with your plans, I never want to see you again! I'm stopping you for a reason!" Kyra cried, upset and angry that she and Lysandre weren't getting along.

Lysandre fell quiet for a moment. "Keep at it if you want Kyra, hate me if you want, it's down to you. Just know that I'll always care for you."

"You couldn't care less! If you cared, you'd come home," Kyra snapped.

Lysandre was growing fed up, Kyra was even more stubborn than he had thought her to be. "Fine, just go. You've made it clear you're the one who couldn't care less."

"I didn't mean that...I'm sorry," Kyra apologised, knowing she was too weak right now to try moving again.

Lysandre didn't want to upset Kyra further, he could see he'd already done far too much of that. "No, I'm sorry for failing you. Pyroar will take you to Malva, you clearly don't want me around."

"No...I want you to take me back. I'm sorry, I was just angry and upset," Kyra apologised, realising what she had said had really hurt Lysandre.

Lysandre could see how much Kyra needed him, he couldn't just leave her. He carefully picked Kyra up, making sure the jacket was still over her to keep her warm. Kyra was comforted by how Lysandre held her, reminding her of how close they had been before.

"Can we put that argument behind us please?" Kyra asked as Lysandre walked her back to the cabin.

Lysandre agreed, forgetting the hurtful things the two had said to each other was for the best. He knew that Kyra wouldn't remember much of what had happened anyway, the most of the reason why she had been so angry was due to stress and tiredness, something which would block out the majority of what had happened.

Since Kyra was on the verge of sleep, she was making little sense as she talked away, Lysandre didn't have to talk back, he knew that this was keeping Kyra slightly more content. It really reminded him of how Kyra would always come to him to talk when she were younger, he felt awful for having removed that from her.

Malva was relieved Kyra was back safely, she had taken Kyra back quickly so as to not seem suspicious, Lysandre telling her to meet him tomorrow. She agreed and took Kyra to the sofa to wrap the blankets around her and warm up.

Kyra appreciated the warmth of the cabin, Malva's comforting hug making it even better. Nate and Willow were finishing the last of the meal and drink, Kyra was looking forward to being properly warm again.

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