Chapter 48 - Preminitions

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The trio had spent the rest of their afternoon exploring Anistar City. It was a quiet and peaceful city, all of them finding it a relaxing change from the upbeat rest of Kalos. They all enjoyed Kalos and its various cities, but it was certianly nice to have a calmer feel. Even Laverre City had been fairly busy, but Anistar City, it was much more of a break they needed.

Kyra had slept well that night, she had looked into the Gym and noticed it was a Psychic Type Gym that used Double Battles. She could hardly wait, having just the two in mind she wanted to use.

The trio were all up early, Kyra waking Lucario up too and they headed downstairs to grab breakfast before heading to face the Anistar City Gym.

To their surprise, one of the staff members warned them before going into the main room of the Gym that they could feel like they were floating and it was best to battle last if they got uneasy with movement. Their curiosity spiked, all their questions being answered as they walked through the big double doors.

It felt like they were in space, the Gym and sidelines seeming to float above a bottomless drop. There was no doubt this was all just an optical effect, but it was a good one to say the least. Incredibly realistic.

"Three Sinnoh trainers, all of you strong, but one more so. You already have a plan, don't you Kyra," the Gym Leader asked, shocking them as to how she knew who they were. She laughed, "I'm a Psychic, I knew all along you three would be coming today. Kyra, I'd like to battle you first, you want to use Meowstic and Absol, and I am happy to accommodate for that. My name is Olympia, not your typical Gym Leader."

Kyra had Lucario wait and watch with Nate and Willow, as Olympia had said, she wasn't going to be using Lucario. She wouldn't have to worry about any Bug Types, so she had no issues in letting Lucario watch.

Kyra sent Meowstic and Absol out, they had talked through their plan over breakfast, all three of them were more than ready to counter whatever Olympia tried to throw at them.

"A Mega Absol, as I suspected. Meowstic, Slowbro, let's go," Olympia replied, sending out a male Meowstic and a Slowbro holding a Slowbronite.

A double battle with Mega Evolution, this would be interesting. Kyra was even more excited than she had been before.

The two trainers Mega Evolved their pokémon. It was clear to see the change of Olympia's Slowbro since it basically just hid inside of its shell.

"You may have the first move, since I can already predict what you're going to do, it seems silly for me not to let you go first," Olympia offered, trying to panic Kyra into fearing to make a risky move.

Kyra smiled, "Nice try, but if you knew what I was really planning then you'd have gone first." She knew Olympia's game and was determined to best her at is.

Olympia was surprised by Kyra's response, "You think you're calling my bluff?"

"Oh I am calling your bluff. You two, use Shadow Ball and Thunder Fang!" Kyra called, not making it obvious who was attacking who.

Meowstic raised her ears and formed a Shadow Ball between her paws whilst Absol ran over towards Meowstic and Slowbro. Neither pokémon was giving away who they were going to attack, just as Kyra had wanted.

"Most unpredictable, you knew all along I had no way of predicting you. Well played. No matter, Meowstic use Helping Hand on Slowbro, and Slowbro, use Scald on Absol," Olympia complimented as she made her call, hoping she wasn't making a mistake.

A golden glow formed around Meowstic and shot over to Slowbro as Slowbro began charging up a Scald. A far range attack like this was just what Kyra wanted.

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