Chapter 26 - Just a Drink

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Not long after the trio had given their pokémon to Nurse Joy for a check over, Houndoom ran into the pokémon centre and went straight to Kyra in search of attention. Kyra was happy to give it to her, Malva coming in herself not far behind.

"Houndoom really has taken a shine to you Kyra, I'm impressed," Malva commented, surprised by Houndoom's friendliness considering she was usually one of the most cold pokémon she knew.

Kyra smiled, "Houndoom's clearly well trained, I'm looking forward to battling her with Lucario soon. Speaking of, thanks for the warning about Aliana. We managed to handle her pretty easily in the end, but it could have gone very differently if we weren't expecting her."

"No worries, I'm glad I could help and that Lumiose City is back to running smoothly again. Speaking of, how about we go for that drink we arranged since I'm leaving Houndoom here for a quick check-up too. Your friends are welcome to come, they're involved too afterall," Malva replied, guessing that Nate and Willow would probably get suspicious if they weren't invited.

It was painfully obvious to Nate and Willow that Malva and Kyra saw something in one another. They were at first tempted to stay so the two could have some alone time together, but then again, they didn't know much about Malva and they didn't want to risk her hurting Kyra so they tagged along too.

"So, this is yours and Malva's first date huh?" Willow teased when Malva went to give Houndoom to Nurse Joy, curious to see how Kyra would act.

Kyra's cheeks flushed a bright red with embarrassment, "No, keep your voice down. This is just a drink, nothing more." She still didn't want Nate and Willow knowing just how much she wanted to be with Malva.

Nate joined in on the teasing too, "Just a romantic drink you mean."

"We're just friends, honestly. Right now at least," Kyra replied.

Willow stiffled a laugh, "So you do see something in Malva. Kyra, just tell her for crying out loud, she's obviously really into you too."

Kyra sighed, "I know I should, but someone like her is probably already taken. Besides, I'm still travelling at the moment, I don't want to risk that ruining a potential relationship. Now shush, she's coming back over."

Malva hadn't overheard what the trio had said and she was none the wiser as to how Kyra felt about her. Deep down she had really wanted tonight to be just them, but there would hopefully be plenty more opportunities for that in the future.

Rather than staying in the pokémon centre, Malva led the way to a cafe nearby. Lysandre Cafe. The name was still nipping at Kyra's mind as if it meant something to her, but she still couldn't place a finger on what said meaning was. Whether she knew or not, for now she just wanted to relax in Malva's company, even if Nate and Willow were there.

The cafe was quiet, the only other people there were the workers, much to Kyra's relief. She had never been the biggest fan of crowds and what Aliana had said earlier was already putting her on edge.

Malva was happy to buy the drinks, she knew Lumiose City was rather on the expensive side. This was already her treat to Kyra, she didn't mind paying for Nate and Willow too.

"Do you mind me asking how you know so much about Team Flare and what they're doing?" Nate asked, he had seen it a little suspicious how Malva always seemed to know what Team Flare we're doing.

Malva already had her cover story pulled up, "Us Elite Four keep tabs on Team Flare. We've always seen them as a little suspicious, now even more so."

Kyra had no reason to believe Malva was lying, her confidence in Malva backing her little white lie up. Malva hated lying straight to Kyra's face like this, but it was for the best for now.

Malva decided it best to explain who Team Flare really were. Back when they had first formed as a group, they had actually been so as to help the people of Kalos. Now however, as people had taken advantage of Team Flare's help, they stopped providing that help and worked solely to help themselves. That prior help made Kalosian's unsuspicious of them on the whole, letting them get away with more.

"That's why I'm glad I met you Kyra, an outsider to Kalos would see what a Kalosian wouldn't," Malva explained, justifying why she had asked Kyra to help her out.

Before they could talk more on Team Flare, the door to the cafe opened and Lysandre walked in. Malva's blood ran cold, she hadn't expected Lysandre to be back yet. This was bad. If Lysandre let slip she worked for him, any chance she had with Kyra would be through.

"If it isn't Malva of the Elite Four. It's a pleasure to have you in my cafe," Lysandre said, seeming civil enough for Malva to let her guard down a bit.

Malva was used to attention like this and she played it off well, relived Lysandre wasn't selling her out. "How could I not come to the cafe with one of the best reviews in the city? I take it you want an autograph?"

"I wouldn't say no to an autograph, although I would also like to talk to your friend. I've seen her and her Lucario around and was wondering if I could find out more about her technique. Is that alright with you Miss?"

If Lysandre knew this was Kyra, Malva didn't want him talking to her alone. She had to try and get Lysandre to talk to Kyra here. "Anything you want to say to her can be said in front of all of us."

"She's been taking on the Gyms rather by storm. If she's attempting to challenge the Elite Four, it would hardly be fair if you learnt her strategies now would it?" Lysandre replied, knowing Malva wouldn't be able to make a come back from that.

Kyra agreed with Lysandre's reasoning that she would want to keep her battling strategies in the dark from Malva for the time being. A one on one was hardly enough to spill everything afterall. "I don't mind, besides, it really wouldn't be fair if you learnt my tricks when it comes to battling. It'll be fine, don't worry."

As Lysandre took Kyra to the backroom which was a more private talking area, Malva began to panic. No doubt Lysandre knew this was Kyra, and there was no way they were talking about battling.

"Everything alright? You seemed really reluctant to let that guy talk to Kyra," Nate asked, neither he nor Willow had picked up any bad vibes from Lysandre.

Malva shook her head, "That's Lysandre, Team Flare's Leader."

"Do you think he knows you've been helping Kyra take Team Flare down?" Willow asked, she too beginning to worry.

Malva couldn't hide her concerns, she knew Kyra wouldn't dob her in, but at the same time, Lysandre was stubborn and would do anything to get the truth from someone. "Let's hope not."

"Please Kyra, please come back safe," Malva thought to herself, she knew that Kyra didn't have her pokémon on her so she was completely helpless against Lysandre.

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