Chapter 76 - League Return

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Kyra and Lucario were up early the next morning so they could go and meet with Malva and Houndoom. Siebold cooked breakfast again, heading back to the League with Blastoise early so he could tell the others that Kyra and Malva were coming back.

Malva was glad to see Kyra and Lucario, having gotten herself ready before they got there. "Before we go back to the League, there's somewhere I want to show you. That way we'll be able to avoid the rush hour train faff too."

"Now you have my curiosity," Kyra replied, looking forward to seeing what Malva had in store.

Andi came in to do one last check over Malva not long after, giving her the all clear that she was free to go. Both Kyra and Malva were relieved, giving them both the confidence that Malva would make a good recovery.

Houndoom and Lucario followed behind Kyra and Malva this time, Malva not having given away where she was taking Kyra. Kyra was curious, but Malva was a master of keeping things hidden away and never giving any inclination as to what she was doing.

Malva had led the way to the post office and she told Kyra to stay outside with the pokémon. Kyra was curious about what was so exciting about the post office, but she stayed with the pokémon as Malva had asked none the less.

"Any ideas what this is about?" Kyra asked, directing her question towards Houndoom.

Houndoom shook her head, "I haven't got a clue. I know Malva ordered some stuff online recently, so it's probably just that. I don't know what she brought though."

Malva came back out a few minutes later, a parcel in hand. "Now, you need to assure me you won't open this until you get back home to Sinnoh. I don't you ruining the surprise."

"You shouldn't have, you didn't need to get me anything," Kyra replied, although thankfully for the gift, she wasn't used to it.

Malva laughed, "Kyra, as your will be official girlfriend in a couple of days, it's my job to spoil you. I know you'll probably be home on your birthday, and you'll be happier that way, so I'm giving you my gift before."

"You really didn't need to, I feel bad I didn't get you something now," Kyra replied.

Malva smiled, "You're too selfless, let yourself be spoiled for once. For me if not for yourself."

Kyra laughed to herself, "Are you going to let me not be spoiled?"

"No," Malva replied simply and blunty, earning another laugh from Kyra.

"Alright then, you can spoil me for today," Kyra said, giving Malva the response she was looking for.

Malva still had somewhere she wanted to show Kyra, wanting to buy her one of the fire rings she had so they could be matching. Kyra found the idea, remembering she hadn't given Malva back her one yet.

The jewellery shop Malva took Kyra and the pokémon to was surprisingly quiet considering it was a shop in Lumiose City. It was rather on the small side too, but in a way it made it nicer since it had a much cosier feel.

"This is a much higher quality place for your money than the mainstream jewellers. The fire rings are in the far corner, feel free to have a look around," Malva explained, she knew this store like the back of her hand.

The owner of the store was glad to see Kyra and Malva, having heard a lot about Kyra from when Malva had come and chatted in her spare time. She saw just how sweet of a couple the two were, Malva providing comfort to Kyra and Kyra appreciating every bit of it.

Both Kyra and Malva preferred to wear silver jewellery over gold, so they really would be wearing matching rings. But they were both happy with that, a cute couple thing they could start off with without it being too obvious. Kyra wanted more rings anyway, so this made a good starting point. Malva's ring had helped with her nerves, so this one would hopefully share the same affect.

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