Chapter 24 - Whippersnappers Battle

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The Coumarine City Gym was of an interesting interior. A large tree stood in the centre of the room, a rope ladder leading up to a platform around the topos said tree. This was clearly a Grass Type Gym, and an interesting take on one at that.

Kyra and Lucario climbed up first, there were two rope ladders, so as expected they turned it into a competition of who could climb up the quickest.

Nate and Willow weren't surprised, they had fully expected Kyra and Lucario to race the second they saw the rope ladders. They took their time climbing up, to their surprise, Kyra was already getting started on her battle against the Gym Leader.

"Someone's eager," Willow said with a laugh as she and Nate finally reached the top.

Kyra turned back and smiled, "Malva's going to call me in a bit, she bet that she would call me before I'd gotten my Gym Badge, and I disagree."

Ramos, the Gym Leader, was happy to equate to Kyra's request. When he had battled Malva when she was on her journey, they had battled in a one on one, so he agreed to make the same deal with Kyra. Kyra already had in mind who she would use.

"Delphox, let's go!" Kyra said, Malva had told her that she had used her own Delphox against Ramos, so it was fair for Kyra to use her own Delphox too.

Ramos was intrigued about Kyra's choice of Delphox, she was really was like Malva. Both eager to battle. Both from a Region that wasn't Kalos. Both having a friendly and competitive rivalry with their partners. "Alright then, I'll use my partner, Gogoat!"

Kyra had never seen a Gogoat before, it looked pretty cool, definitely a good fit for Ramos. She got her pokédex out and looked for information.

"Gogoat, the Mount pokémon, a Grass Type, and the evolved form of Skiddo. It can tell how its trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in their tone. They are empathetic and will do anything to be of comfort to their trainer."

Delphox was ready and raring for the battle ahead, she wanted to show of her power and impress Ramos and Kyra. Kyra smiled and got ready to make her call.

"Delphox, start of with Sunny Day!" Kyra called, hoping Gogoat wasn't running Solar Beam.

Delphox howled and the sun's rays intensified through the tree's canopy, she loved using Sunny Day like this, the extra power she felt whenever she used it was even better.

"Sunny Day ey? A risky move in a Grass Type Gym since Grass Types also like the sun. Gogoat, use Solar Beam," Ramos said, taking advantage of the sun.

Kyra was happy seeing Solar Beam, Delphox's Flamethrower would be enough to counter it for sure.

Delphox followed her trainers call, sending the spiralling plume of flames towards Gogoat's Solar Beam. Since it no longer required the charge up turn thanks to the sun, the two attacks collided in the centre of the field.

To Kyra's surprise, Solar Beam held out well against Flamethrower. Luckily she knew how to overpower it, but it was still a worry just how strong of a Grass Type Gogoat was.

"Delphox, jump to the side and use Psyshock!" Kyra called, remembering what Malva's Delphox had done back in their battle.

Delphox nodded and she jumped out of the way, setting up the Psyshock attack. She levitated the stones and targeted them towards Gogoat, dealing a fair amount of damage.

"Psyshock, and interesting strategy. How will you deal with this one though? Use Earthquake!" Ramos called, startling Kyra as to Gogoat's powerful attack.

Earthquake would surely be enough to take Delphox out if it landed a hit. She had to jump just at the right time or this battle was over.

"Delphox, jump up at the last second and use Psybeam!" Kyra warned, hoping that Delphox wouldn't get hit.

Delphox waited for just the right moment, skillfully avoiding the Earthquake. She began using an attack, but it wasn't Psybeam. Kyra recognised it quickly though, she wouldn't forget that move she saw Malva's Delphox using that had taken her so by surprise.

"Use Mystical Fire!"

Like Malva's Delphox had done, Delphox span her wand and sent the powerful attack down towards Gogoat. She was proud of having learnt the new and powerful attack. Learning both from her rival and now having dealt a lot more damage to Gogoat.

"You really are just like Malva, her Delphox pulled off a similar move before. It's all going to waste though, use Synthesis!"

Synthesis would heal pretty much all of Gogoat's health back thanks to the sun. It was a risky call and Kyra wasn't sure if it would work or not, but she had to try something to block the sun out.

"Delphox, jump up above Gogoat and use Flamethrower again," Kyra said, hoping her strategy would work.

Delphox followed through with Kyra's plan and she jumped above Gogoat, blocking out the sun and making it so that Synthesis didn't heal as much. Her Flamethrower from a closer range and with the addition to the damage that Gogoat had already taken was enough to knock him out, earning Kyra and Delphox the win they needed.

"Nice one Delphox, that was a great, return," Kyra praised, returning Delphox to her pokéball as Ramos came over after he too returned Gogoat to his pokéball.

Ramos was impressed by how Kyra had battled, she was well deserving of the Plant Badge. "That was a mighty fine battle young whippersnapper. You and your Delphox worked exceptionally well together. Here's your Badge."

Kyra smiled and placed the Plant Badge in her Badge Case, halfway through Kalos' Gym Challenge already. "Thanks, it was really fun. Sorry to cut this short, but I've got a call to make. Nate, Willow, we'll meet in Lumiose City later, head down Route 13 and you'll get there sooner or later," she thanked, heading out of the Gym with Lucario following close behind.

Kyra and Lucario made a quick stop in the pokémon centre to heal Delphox up before Malva called them. As Kyra had expected, she won her side of the bet.

Malva called Kyra not long after Delphox was back to her full potential, Kyra was glad to have the call and she answered right away.

"What did I tell you? I've been out of the Gym for like half an hour already, have a little more faith in me, geez," Kyra joked.

Malva rolled her eyes and smiled, "Alright alright, I underestimated you. You ready to help take on Team Flare again?"

"You bet Lucario and I are. Where are we headed?""

"There's a Power Plant on Route 13, I'm taking my guess that Team Flare are there because there's a power cut ruining Lumiose City at the moment. The only issue is that there's also a sandstorm raging," Malva explained.

Kyra and Lucario didn't mind the sandstorm, if it meant they could take on Team Flare again, they'd push through it.

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