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"There is no way I'm going to lose to you!" I look up from my spot under the tree with Shikamaru and Chouji. I see Naruto having a 'disscusion' with Sasuke.

"Guys he is at it again!" I let a frustrated groan out and fall back to the ground. Why now it was so peaceful! I let my hands drop in annoyance.

"Keep on blabbing." my eye twitches in annoyance. These are the most dumbest comebacks ever.

"SHUT UP!" Naruto shouts.
"You shut up." girls crowded around, and I was getting annoyed with all there screaming and the boy's shouting. I close my eyes and try to block them out.

"Hmm what a drag we are going to need to find a new spot if this continues..." Shikamaru sighs and rolls over. I couldn't help but agree.

"Hm." I answer him, I look at him and sweat drop as he goes back to sleep, how can he ignore them? I close my eyes again and try to drown them out.

I open one eye as I saw Naruto try to grab at the back of Sasuke's shirt. "quit acting so high and mighty, Sasuke!"

They are in for it! I go into a sitting position, "What are you going to do Masuyo?" Chouji looks at me as I got to stand up.

"Oh nothing maybe.... BREAK A FRIGGEN NOSE!" I raise my fist in my face annoyed at the two bickering kids. They both sweat drop as the area around me turns dangerously cold and my arua darkens.

"Troublesome girl sit down..." Shikamaru sighs. I watch with my arms crossed as Sasuke ninja jumps away.
"You're so annoying."

"Your one to talk..." I mutter under my breath. I start tapping my foot impatiently.

"Why you.." he marched up to Sasuke, why does this happen every lunch time I whine in my head.

"What a drag... they fighting yet?" I sigh and shake my head.
"No but they will or they won't I'm going to make them choose now!"

I get up and walk over to them ignoring the shouts I get from both Shikamaru and Chouji.

"Troublesome girl get back here!" I swear Shikamaru get energetic by the minute.
"Masu-chan! Come back!" I hear Chouji shout.

I continue to ignore them, maybe turned around an poked my tongue at them.
"No! I'm sick of there fighting!"

"You dumb pixi sticks!" I shout and grab both of the boys collars and face them towards me. They looked both froze before going into a frenzy.

"What... are... you doing?!" They struggle in my grip and I drop them to the ground. I raise my fist with an anime vein.

"You two FRIGGEN pixie dancers need to shut up!" I glare at both of them. They stare at me in shock, "if you want to fight then go ahead and fight...just stop shouting! That doesn't prove that your better actions do!" I bend over and turn to face them in the face hands on my hips.

The both turn and glare at each other, "She is right we are getting no where with this." Sasuke admits and stands up.

"Ya and I will beat you this time!" Naruto raises his fist, they are doing it again. I try to control myself with a breathing exercise I learnt from Iruka.

"Your doing it again!" I said in a sing song voice. They both freeze and look at me.

"Now that is settled.... who's nose was I breaking?" I see them both twitch as my voice drips in venom obviously annoyed with the both of them.
I sweat dropped at the sight of both of them. Beaten by a girl....nice...

I blow the top of my knuckles and go to walk away. "Sasuke-kun!" I her all the girls trample Naruto to get to there love.

"Poor kid..." I cringe as I hear him grunt and gag. I let a chuckle loss and sit back down next to Shikamaru.

"Remind me never to get you angry.." I hear Shikamaru mutter.
"Um ok..." I shrug and tap his shoulder, "you told me to remind you a second ago to not get me angry." I see him twitch in irratation.

"It's a figure of speech!" I laugh.
"But your lacking it!" I point out and Chouji joins me laughing.

"Troublesome girl..." this makes me laugh harder.


Kunochi classes started again and I stood beside Ino with three other girls as we waited for Sakura.

"Guys guys!" I look up to Sakura smiling and running towards us.
"Everyone listen!" Sakura threw her hands in the air in excitement and her hair bobbed with the movement. I look at her with curiosity.

"I have a boy I like now!" I froze and so did Ino. Ino looked at her in shock.
"Who do you think it is!?" She exclaimed happily.

Two of the girls looked at her, "Don't tell me it's Sasuke-kun!" They glared at her.

Sakura's eyes widened and she blushed, "What? How did you know?" She questioned in shock. I looked to Ino in pity, she turns away not wanting to look at sakura.

I gasped as I saw her frown at Sakura, I crosse. My arms and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Isn't it obvious? Sasuke-kun is the most popular guy!" They laughed as if it was no surprise.
"What really..." they nod.

Sakura nodes back, "So there's a lot of girls who like him... What should I do?"

My eyes soften at Sakura, "Hey Ino, Sakura has become more cheerful don't you think?" I smile to Ino trying to draw her attention away.

I'm surprised when she turns away and snaps, "She's just acting tough." through gritted teeth.
I look to her then back at Sakura, 'Ino likes him to can't you see Sakura?'

I hope everything works out.

It seems Sakura hasn't noticed that Ino likes Sasuke yet... I watch as Sakura goes on and on to Ino. I frown slightly.

She is a fighter (naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now